FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

I should have adapted the patch.
Can you explain the problem in more detail?

Where does the problem occur?
How can I check that?
What’s wrong and what’s right?

Please explain in detail.

Quick question, perhaps a stupid one. My experience with modding is limited. I just wanted to add a character in fe8. Starting in chapter one. I have manually placed him in all the chapters up to 4 (which is where you first select your units). This unit is setup in the player army (on the unit placement part) but this unit cannot trade and when it comes to chapter 4 the unit cannot be selected as part of the army. Any ideas? Thanks.

Hi again, I’m having a problem with tileset changes on my maps. They don’t seem to change anymore when they’re supposed to activate. I have the tiles set up on the map editor and the events all there, but they just won’t work. They used to.
This is an example of what I mean.

this also goes for closed village tiles, destroyed villages, and chests. I’d appreciate the help

I Suspect the issue unit is not considered part of the player army. but it is controlled during player turns and what not so i cannot imagine why. But this would make sense for why they do not show up in the army selection screen when you pick which units to deploy

Did you give an event for the door to open?

Yea, and it worked fine before.

I have also tried altering two units. One from franz and one from gilliam, the gilliam unit can still trade and be selected in unit deployment but the franz unit cannot.

This sounds a lot like you gave those units the Supply flag. It prevents trading and hides them from preparations.

That is indeed the issue. I did not read properly and made an assumption of what that tag did and I was mistaken.

In fe 8 if you set a unit to have more than 30 in a stat. It makes the bar (when inspecting the unit) cut off and continue slightly below it. See in picture. I have seen this cause issues, as in if they are maxed and you save. close the game and then resume. It reduces whtatever stat there was there by 30. Example say a stat is 35 when you save and close. when you resume it will be down to 5 (at least that is my experience in the past). Is there a way to make sure that doesn’t happen? perhaps the issue is caused by the stat bar graphic, or is there a limit that says certain stats can not be above x? Please let me know thanks.

If you are using Febuilder which I assume so, this is an easy fix. There’s a patch called “Stat Bar Max Length” just set that to your desired cap.

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thank you i will take a look

No, it has little to do with the stat bar graphic. The stats are hardcoded to not surpass the limit of 30 due to save data limitations, from what I understand. There’s a patch called exmodular save or something like that, which modifies the save structure to allow for storing stats higher than 30. Use that.

Using the stat bar graphic patch mentioned above in conjunction with exmodular will fix every issue relating to stats above 30. Now with all that said I don’t personally know what the stats can max out at using exmodular save or its limitations, so use with caution.

If the skill system is installed, it automatically installs the exmodular patch with it. I probably should have mentioned that.

SkillSystem - “Shade” skill doesn’t seem to work, at least not following similar logic as “Provoke” skill. Enemies will target “Shade” unit even with other targets available.

Since FEBuilderGBA and SkillSystems are different project, it is basically impossible to deal with the problem of SkillSystems.

However, if there is a problem with SKill Systems packaged by FEBuilderGBA, we will fix it.

First, send us the data you need to reproduce the problem.
You should create and send report7z as described at the beginning of this thread.

However, we cannot promise to fix it unless it is a fatal bug that freezes.
Again, FEBuilderGBA and SkillSystems are different project.

AFAIK, skill systems and max stat unlocking patches don’t work together, as you see this Kyle has rally skill or movement so I guess he can’t increase stats past 30 anyway, sadly.

Doesn’t seem to be the case anymore, it seems. I just checked and the unit spawns in with over-30 stats and retains them after suspending and loading back in, even with the skill system on.

That was taken after resuming the map from a save. Strength was not reduced to 5 as it would be if it didn’t work as intended. Now with that said, I still don’t know how high the numbers CAN go before issues start occurring, I might find that out in later testing stages, but for now it’s all good. The only reason I can think of that they might not work together is if you’re using older versions of patches or versions that don’t have compatibility with skillsystems patches. They usually say (skillsystems version) at the end when they’re reworked to be compatible.

Just have a issue with changing window color in my in-game settings crashing feel free to find a fix for this if you can. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xr73436dqx9huxx/redone%20fe4.0.REPORT.20200612220954.report.rar?dl=0


085B6470 65C0 085B   //POINTER systemmenu_goal image  << X
085B6474 65C0 085B   //POINTER compress data 0x5B65C0 << A
085B6478 65C0 085B   //POINTER compress data 0x5B65C0 << B
085B647C 65C0 085B   //POINTER compress data 0x5B65C0 << C

The address of A, B, C was not changed.
If you want to fix it manually, copy the X data to A, B and C with the hex editor.
