FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

After updating the Skill System patch, attempting to trade with a captured enemy will reset the game back to the title screen. I am using the Always Enable Capture patch if that makes a difference. It does not make a difference whether or not the patch that doesn’t show portraits for generics is installed or not.

This is a problem that occurred because the address of Portrait ID: 0x01 was changed.
This ROM was an extension of the Portrait table, which caused a problem because the address was incorrectly modified.
Update Portrait ID: 0x01 to the following address.

Unit Portrait: 8BB912C
Map Portrait: 8BBA750
Palette: 8BBA730
Mouth: 8BBA130

“copy and paste” data
After selecting all the lines, Ctrl + C, then select Portrait ID: 0x01 with FEBuilderGBA and Ctrl + V.

AddressList@ImagePortraitForm 2C 91 BB 8 50 A7 BB 8 30 A7 BB 8 30 A1 BB 8 0 0 0 0 3 5 3 3 1 0 0 0

I made one mistake.
I forgot to remove Table Include when building SkillSystems.
In this case, the settings of Unit, Item, and Class are replaced with the default settings.

I have released a fix version.
Please use this version when updating.
(Versions after FEBuilderGBA_20200212.16 are modified versions.)

If you are updating with an older version, running tsv export / import from a backup can solve this problem.
If you are not sure, please send report7z.

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The timing of this new patch is absolutely perfect. I will be showing off its new features very soon.


Me:“I definitly need animatriangle, skills and str/mag-split in one rom for my hack”
7743:“allow me to kill the issues”


Hello! First off, thanks a lot for introducing the Str/Mag patch. I really can’t wait to try it out in my hack.
Second, I’d like to report a bug with the current version, I can’t adapt the weapon debuffs table patch anymore. I don’t know if it’s an issue with my rom or it’s a patch thing.

Edit: Just noticed the game also freezes on level up D:

Hello, Thanks for all your hard work as always, I just found out that the skill provoke conflicts with the “Change Combat AI to not Attack if can’t damage” it is an old conflict, if you have that patch AI takes a lot to take action and provoke does not work, maybe putting a little warning there?

Hey, not sure if this is related to the same issue, but I’ve found an issue with Rally Spectrum. Whenever a unit that has a Rally Spectrum buff on it tries to attack, or if you try to see their stats at all (R button menu, unit list, etc.) the game hangs. As well, if you have a unit that has the buff on it and you end your turn, the game hangs as well. The other Rally skills seem to work fine; just this one has an issue, it seems.

EDIT: Might be an issue with other rallies, as in my original test, I only tested Spectrum and Strength. In a later test, Defense also had the same issue.

this is a problem with lull skills, sme determined this a bit back but it hasn’t been represented in the skill system master
the easiest solution rn is to comment out the lull skills, but i wouldn’t exactly know how to do that in febuilder

New SkillSystems’s Bug what “Reverse” does not work when attacked by enemy.

When attacked by a player
(Works as expected.)

When attacked by a Enemy
(“Reverse” is ignored.)

This is a bug in ReaverSplit.
I maked hotfix patch to fix this bug.

NAME=Fix ReaverSplit Glitch for SkillSystems 20200211

This is because the first branch is wrong.
Should be “beq ReaverEffectBitSet” instead of “beq GoBack”.
Read the vanilla routine “0802C76C BattleReverseWTriangeEffect” carefully.

.global ReverseWeaponTriangle
.type ReverseWeaponTriangle, %function

push {r4-r5,r14}
mov r4,r0 @attacker
mov r5,r1 @defender

@load equipped item's weapon ability word
ldr r0,[r4,#0x4C]
mov r1,#0x80
lsl r1,#1
and r0,r1
cmp r0,#0
beq GoBack  @ <-- Mistake!  beq ReaverEffectBitSet

ldr r0,[r5,#0x4C]
and r0,r1
cmp r0,#0
bne GoBack @do nothing if we both have it set

A similar routine exists in DoubleWeaponTriangle.
This is the same mistake.

.global DoubleWeaponTriangle
.type DoubleWeaponTriangle, %function

push {r4-r5,r14}
mov r4,r0 @attacker
mov r5,r1 @defender

@load equipped item's weapon ability word
ldr r0,[r4,#0x4C]
ldr r1,=#0x00400000
and r0,r1
cmp r0,#0
beq Return              @<--- Probably a similar mistake!! 
                        @     should "beq DoubleWTAEffectBitSet"

@check if defender has double WTA weapon too
ldr r0,[r5,#0x4C]
ldr r1,=#0x00400000
and r0,r1
cmp r0,#0
bne Return @if they do, don't double WTA effect

@otherwise, we double just our effect (function is run twice)
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This is a bug in SkillSystems.
I maked hotfix patch to fix this bug.

NAME=Fix Rally Spectrum Glitch for SkillSystems 20200211

Bug Rally Spectrum.

following routine incorrectly labels the loop and causes an infinite loop.
This is because “beq GoBack” is incorrectly written as “beq noDefRally”.


@Rally Spectrum
mov r0, #0x80
and r0, r1
cmp r0, #0x0
beq GoBack

	@check enemy for relevant lull skills
	ldr r0,=SkillTester
	mov r14,r0
	mov r0,r5
	ldr r1,=LullDefIDLink
	ldrb r1,[r1]
	.short 0xF800
	cmp r0,#0
	beq noDefRally   @<-- mistake!  beq GoBack

	@check enemy for relevant lull skills
	ldr r0,=SkillTester
	mov r14,r0
	mov r0,r5
	ldr r1,=LullSpectrumIDLink
	ldrb r1,[r1]
	.short 0xF800
	cmp r0,#0
	beq noDefRally   @<-- mistake!  beq GoBack

	@we subtract 2 defense if neither magic bit is set on opponent's weapon (this works with or without strmag split)
	mov r0,r5
	add r0,#0x4C
	ldr r0,[r0]
	ldr r1,=#0x00000042
	and r0,r1
	cmp r0,#0
	beq noDefRally   @<-- mistake!  beq GoBack
	mov r0,r4
	add r0,#0x5C @defense
	ldrb r1,[r0]
	sub r1,#2
	strb r1,[r0]

pop {r4-r7}
pop {r0}
bx r0

Blademaster has fixed a bug where enemies would ignore Magic and freeze if they ignored Silence.
However, still this fix, because they are not included in the github repository, has created a hotfix.

NAME=Fix CanUnitWieldWeapon Glitch for SkillSystems 20200211

I forgot to add a patch.

NAME=defWeaponDebuffsTable Ver 20200211

Fixed freeze on level up.

This is probably a problem specific to this ROM.
If it occurs in other ROMs, it will be investigated as glitch.

I have created a hotfix that fixes three known bugs.

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Thanks man. Keep up the good work :smiley:

Sorry to bother again, but I found a bug where the magic stat isn’t growing properly.

The unit is getting +1 to magic, but when I check the stat screen it’s still the basic value.

Check for “Main Lord in Ephraim’s Tale” in patches, you should be fine from there.

This is because SummonExp is installed.
I manually removed SummonExp.
This works fine.


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It could be tied to the event after you pick the character you want to follow. You may have to manually load Eirika in the place of Ephraim.