FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Select Weapon Triangle in the details menu.

I am aware there is a section for it. However, you cannot add any more weapon types. Its just the 12 that are already there. I want to know if there is a way to add new weapons without screwing around with other data. There isn’t an extend data button in this section, so I’ve tried using other sections for its extend data button and inputting the weapon triangle address in but it ends up messing up different parts of the game.

Please update FEBuilderGBA.
I think that the version you have is old.
In the current version, a button to expand the list is displayed.

Oh okay thanks you!

Another couple questions. Is there anyway to make skill increase crit more?
Is there a way to allow weapons to be stolen ?

There is a patch, I think it is FE9 STEAL or something, look for steal patches, and there is also in the patch section just type critical and you get the critical rate to be modified. So this is very easy todo.

Oh wait I found it in FE8, but can’t apply it to FE6 or 7, any chance Id be able to do that?

Is there a patch called FE9 Steal?
I could not find it.
Please let me know if you know the URL.

There is a patch that extends Steal for FE8J.
I will port it FE8U, later.

This patch allows you to steal enemy’s weapons that not equipped if the conditions are met.

Oh wait I found it in FE8, but can’t apply it to FE6 or 7, any chance Id be able to do that?

If you want to port, you need to port it yourself.
First, learn ASM.

If you know the arm thumb asm,
Porting to FE7 is relatively easy.
Porting to FE6 is difficult.

The FEBuilderGBA pointer calculator will be useful for you.
MENU->tool->pointer calculator

I understand why the aera’s support patch doesn’t work.
It is because there is not enough EA command to change the line which he leaves in the comment.
In FE8U, it is necessary to add the following.

ORG 0x028286
BYTE 0x00 0x20

After adding the aera’s support patch, add the following:
0x28286: 00 20

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Update FEBuilderGBA and apply the following patch.
“Change to steal weapons and staff that are not equipped”

This patch will allow you to steal weapons not equipped by the enemy.

Yeah, sadly I do not know how to port it to FE7/FE6.

This is only with aera patch or would it also help brendor patch to work better?

Probably only works for aera patches only.

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I ran into a problem. When i try to insert Prominence - FE6 Forblaze using the patch:CSA Creator For FE8U ver2, its says: ‘Unable to load object image’.

We need two things.
Report7z and the magic data that you tried to insert.
I can not answer unless there are these two.

Never mind I found the working version of the spell in: [The Ultimate Graphics Repository for GBAFE, FEXP, and FEXNA] post 276. Sorry about that.


Prominence (FE6 Forblaze).rar

Edit: Here’s the URL you requested.

You should provide a URL.
If you don’t write the URL, I have to look for it, so it’s very troublesome.

Please use the version that I improved.
This version works correctly.

I posted the URL above.

“Prominence (FE6 Forblaze)” works without any problems.

Are you using the latest version of FEBuilderGBA?

If it still doesn’t work, please send report7z.