FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Will there be a feature where you do undo/redo a mistake in the near future?

Undo / Redo function is already exists, but it is not easy to use.
Menu -> Tool -> Undo

If you want to repoint data, you have to change multiple items, so undoing this is quite annoying.
The surest undo is to exit without saving the ROM.

I will improve in response to the accident.
If the writing is not a multiple of 4, the function to reject writing is provided.
(This feature works with anything except data structures with less than 4 bytes)

Reject the write because the address you are trying to write is not a multiple of four.
The address you tried to write: 0x9EEBE9.
Writing to an address that is not a multiple of 4 is nearly incorrect.

If this operation malfunctions, please contact me.


Displays the number of uncompressed frame data and the number of OAM data in order to check the upper limit of the data capacity of battle animation.
OAM produces left and right data, but displays right data.

Both units are in bytes.
It is a decimal number.

The battle animation compresses these data with lz77.
When a battle occurs, these will be decompressed and processed into a buffer.
The problem is that GBA memory is very small and buffers are finite.

Loading a huge battle animation will break the buffer limit and glitch it.
The problem is that we haven’t figured out where the buffer limit is.

Because the memory space is small, it is reused.

For example, the frame buffer is 0x604. (1540 byte)
This is followed by data named gPrepScreenUnitList.
Further behind is the data of the supply.

However, even large amounts of data can be loaded without problems.
It is speculated that this is because they are not used at the same time.

This is important to find out the upper limit that causes the problem.

It used up to this number, but it worked.
It used up to this number, but it worked. However, it freezed in the next battle.
It did not work if used until this number.
I would like to collect these cases.

//The size of the animation present in FE8 vanilla.
Un-LZ77 Frame: 4472 OAM: 4860
Un-LZ77 Frame: 5792 OAM: 17208
Un-LZ77 Frame: 6124 OAM: 10020

// It works somehow. However, it has frozen in the second battle.
Un-LZ77 Frame: 7304 OAM: 23388

// This animation does not works.
Un-LZ77 Frame: 8204 OAM: 24828

// This animation does not works.
Un-LZ77 Frame: 3868 OAM: 23868

In FE8, the upper limit of the number of frames seems to exist somewhere between 6100-8000.
The upper limit of OAM seems to exist somewhere between 17000-23000.

It does not work properly if either one exceeds the upper limit.


there’s plans on improving the song track editor? It would be nice to be able to edit the tracks directly.
Also there’s some errors when importing a song with the gtp command and the key shift command for some reason(sappy don’t have this problems).

There are no plans to include direct editing of the track.
It takes a lot of time because i make MIDI sequencer software.

Export to s file and edit.

If you have a file that can not be imported into FEBuilderGBA,
please send it to me.

It can not be reproduced without data.
Unless it can be reproduced, it is impossible to solve the problem.

It seems like the limits are indeed around 8000 (Un-LZ77) and 23000 (OAM)
In the case of the animation we talked about earlier:

// This animation does not works.
Un-LZ77 Frame: 8204 OAM: 24828

but after I cut down the total frame count it has:
Un-LZ77 Frame: 7652 OAM: 22812
and works just fine!

It seems like the limits are indeed around 8000 (Un-LZ77) and 23000 (OAM)
In the case of the animation we talked about earlier:

In the latest version,
Fixed to display a warning if this value is exceeded.


The color of affinity is what’s wrong?

you might have to set a different palette for those icons through system icons

So I set another class to have the Summon ability, changed the summoned class, and setup both the class and summoned character. The Phantom uses swords not axes so his base and class wlvl is set to reflect that. However when I test it he can only be summoned once(no summon able in the next chapter) and comes with a rank in axes. After a series of shenanigans and paranoia I ask for insight here.
What may have gone wrong, there isn’t an error because it works. It’s just…incorrect.

Edit 1
Does the Phantom class have to have Axes. No matter what I change the summoned unit comes with axes. Regardless of bases.

Edit 2
Where are the bases for the summoned unit located. No matter what they have Axe rank. The stats change according to class and unit bases. But not weapon. Like I cant give the phantom other weapons.

the phantom’s weapons are in patches

Does the Autolevel option work together with the DS-Style Growth Patch?

Please attach the data of the icon you tried to import.

Among the item icons, the icons for the status screen are different from the normal weapon items in the palette used.

Please attach report7z.

There is not much material available for summoning, as it is not often used.
It may be an unknown problem.

If it does not work, please let me know as we will add a warning.
This patch is a fairly old patch, so it may be a problem.

Patches related to “summon”, the existing ones are as follows.


The result:
A B in axes :upside_down_face:. Phantoms get auto leveled but it seems they can only use axes. Even if the have bases for other weapons. Also if you change the summoned class. It add axes to that class on top of whatever the can use so i guess phantoms really like axes.

If the setting is ignored, I think a special program is being created.
The only way to do this is to read ASM.

oh cool so I can’t fix it. Here’s hoping somebody who knows more about that than me catches a whiff of this.

Ill make a topic and ask