FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

There’s also this issue

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The IER Byte is set to 0. Set it to the promotion level, as the message says.
Also, for your report in your previous post, you’ve made it so downloads require sending a request to you. I recommend making it so anyone can download it.

I believe I’ve already tried so setting it to A (prom. at lvl. 10 or higher) but still to no avail. Just tried so again. The report is also public now.

I could not access the file because I do not have access rights.
You forgot to make the file public

I had problems with all of the attached backups. (The oldest data was from November 26.)
Therefore, I am not sure of the cause.

However, I uninstalled the “Define multiple classes that prohibit additional effects such as poisons bad status” Patch and it worked correctly.
Maybe it conflicts with some other patch.

NAME.en=Define multiple classes that prohibit additional effects such as poisons bad status(Install)

INFO.en=You can ignore the sleep of poison at bad status sword patch. However, it is not suppress by stone.


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Hello, I’d like to request a patch to be added from Dragz’s Backstage:

ORG 0x02ACC0
BYTE 0xA // battle crit below this number becomes set to 0


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Is the file available for viewing now, I think I’ve got it.

UPDATE: Is there a way to delete the skills system system patch from the fourth allegiance hack? I’ve tried uninstalling the fourth allegiance patch and the unit passerby issue is fixed. So if this unit passerby issue is a result of the two patches incompatible with each other, I’d rather have the fourth allegiance patch out of the two. Though I can’t seem to find the patch to uninstall the skills system.

But there’s also still the promotional item not working issue. If anyone would know a solution to that one, it’d be much appreciated.

Uninstalling patches is usually already risky, and a patch as complex as the skill system is pretty much a guarantee to break several things. The Fourth Allegiance patch is available separately in FEBuilder, so the best option is to start over and just use that instead, and not install the skill system. You can easily export things like units/class/item data by double-clicking the address after “selection”, as well as assets from the current ROM, then import them into the new ROM. It’s not much of a hassle, and even if it were it’s still much easier than trying to fix a ROM with an uninstalled skill system.

As for your report, all your promotion items are set to promote at level 0 in the item editor, which means they don’t work. If you want units to promote at any level, set it to 1 instead. Also, your class and item lists have been extended but not to the maximum amount. This is not recommended because every time you extend them, you waste successively more space, so extend them to the maximum amount to begin with. Some functions can even break if your lists have these weird intermediate sizes as well.

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About that actually…

It works for me. Make sure you used the setup wizard to download all tools (specifically EA in this case), and aren’t trying to apply the patch to a ROM with incompatible patches. If you do both and the issue persists, send a report.

EDIT: Also try using it on a shorter file path, sometimes there are problems if those are too long.

A day late, I give my blessing for this to be added as a patch. You can call it Battle Crit Threshold and link to the thread post sent above.

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Well… Fourth Allegiance mod.report.7z - Google Drive

Unhandled Exception: System.NotSupportedException: Language any not supported.
at Nintenlord.Event_Assembler.Core.Program.LoadCodes(String rawsFolder, String extension, Boolean isDirectory, Boolean collectDocCodes)
at Nintenlord.Event_Assembler.Core.Program.Main(String args)

This is the error that EA’s core.exe is giving, not the error that FEBuilderGBA is giving.
FEBuilderGBA is just calling core.exe.

Perhaps you failed to install EA.
You can reinstall EA manually or use MENU->Tools->Init Setup Wizard.

Even if I were to download the whole files again, I can’t download the buildfile.7z for it again due to a 404 error.

What is the buildfile.7z you are talking about?
where can i download that?

And which of the data for items do you use and where is it imported to in a new rom via the selection address by the way?

I am not sure I understand your question.
Are you talking about csv import ?
The address to import is automatically used as the currently displayed address, so the user cannot specify it.
And, there is a lot of data that is hard-coded or comes with pointers, depending on the item.
Even if you try to import an item table from a completely different ROM, it will not work without those attached data.
If it is from the same ROM, you have a better chance of importing, but you should not reorder items for the same reason.

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I’ve added it.


It’s working.
Sort of, with the fourth allegaince patch installed now all enemy units do nothing on their turn. No movement, no fighting.

I had successfully installed the Fourth Alliegance mod and even though it works, the enemy ai now no longer functions during their turns.

It is likely that Fourth Alliegance is in conflict with some other patch.
This patch is also listed as WARNING and should not be installed in the first place.

Fourth-allegiance is dangerous and I hope to remove it from the patch list in the next update.

I’d like to recommend against that. The Fourth Allegiance patch works, and the only known issues are minor graphical bugs. The issue they are having is due to them not reading the instructions and setting the red faction to be allied to the blue faction, so it looks like the AI is broken when it isn’t.

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Never mind it works for real now, I just figured it out. It’s 8433.
(Sorry for my ongoing stupidity)