FE builder for Android

Hello guys hope you all are okay…
So i was wondering is there any application for Android that can be like FE buildergba?
Please help me to find one for Android phone. Thank you…


No, there is not

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Im not sure a program that has a massive amount of number crunching and asset importing/exporting would be great on a touchscreen device.

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tbf sometimes my hour long bus journeys feel like the perfect time to try out that quick hack idea that keeps bouncing around my head


Since the topic has been brought up, would there be a point to making nightmare for mobile devices?

I’m the meantime I think Google sheets and a text editor would be the best tools on mobile.


very good idea,In favor of you…

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Unfortunatelly, no. I don’t really see how it would operate on a touchscreen TBH.

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no, I’ve asked multiple times and there isn’t any tool like that…

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unfortunately even if some crazy person did try and port febuilder, the menuing would be god awful because the buttons would need to be large enough for fingers I can’t imagine how frustrating it would be to try and make something with that ugh

You’re better off saving up for a cheap laptop, FeBuilder doesn’t take much storage so you could just buy an extremely cheap laptop just for it.

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