FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Hell yeah, finally a sword rogue

Edit: Give him a metal leg and it looks exactly like edward elric lol


it’s funny you say that because i made a mock up of a female version

and it has the same hair as riza lol


Yo, sorry I had failed scripting this.

Since there’s now a dismount patch, here’s a little proof of concept.


I want this to be a thing.

Wonder what dismounted Paladins would look like…

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I wonder that too?

THANK YOU! I LOVE IT! Nice work there N426

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The idea is to have all use the same base animation with only different clothes.

I see. Okay!

This way I can make one for every cavalery class that exists without much effort…

FE5 will once agin rule the FE community…
And we will have p e a c e.

This is amazing! Wish I had this before the update, but alas lol I’ll be sure to add this in a future patch!

I had seen a dismounted paladin sprite somewhere. I’ll show you if I find it.

No problem BladeMaster. Your game inspired me to do this tho.

Edit: There was something off about the hieght of the portraits, but I think it is good now.

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You don’t mind if I change the format you made for the card, right? For class cards there isn’t a [LRD] category. Mind if I change it to [ARM] (armor) and change ‘Lord’ to ‘Ravager’. It can fit Sun God Wrath naming and line up with the rest of the repo.

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This is some amazing stuff!


Sure. Go right ahead!

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thank you( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )

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This is so cool! The monsters and the arrows. Man! Again, you are good as always SHYUTERZ!


Thank you!
By the way, I just received a request from someone who would like to see the army version of the common soldier, so I plan to release it after the new year.