FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

So, I was wondering where to put this. I would like to contribute and I have a lot of animations made in my spare time. I somebody could help me, I’ll be happy.
Some samples:
Battle Animation Palette Fire Emblem (USA, Australia).gba_010E
Bartre-style Fighter

Battle Animation Palette Fire Emblem (USA, Australia).gba_FB
Helmetless Wallace-style General

Battle Animation Palette main.gba_09
F! edit of the new SALVAGED Merc

Battle Animation Palette main.GBA_62
Lance Animation for Malign Knight

Battle Animation Palette main.GBA_74
Holy Knight (Dark Knight edit)

Battle Animation Palette main.GBA_AA
Bomaster (Tarvos edit)

Battle Animation Palette main.GBA_B8
Sky Knight (alt promotion for peg knt with bows)


You can put them here?

Them? You mean the anims? I’ll do that in the evening (GMT+1).

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The free rotate tool in a lot of image editors can be a massive help for in-between frames when you need to spin something large like a sword or lance.

Try to only use smear frames when you need something to move fast.

save fancy swooshing movements for critical attacks.

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Also, use a recursive algorithm. That is: make some key frames (start, hit, etc.) and then make in-between frame and in-between these in-betweens and so on. This way you’ll get a smooth animation.

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Thanks for the response!!! So how exactly are smear frames done? That seems to be something I’m having issues with while animating. They just look goofy compared to other people’s smear frames. Is the principal to just elongate the sprite along the path it’s traveling? Is there a video or some sort of resource to do smear frames?

Thanks!! I have done research on key frames but would the key frames of a FE sprite be:

  1. Idle frame
  2. Hit/end of attack frame
  3. Recovery frame

I take it that it would depend what you’re wanting to do with the animation (more elaborate animations require more key frames) but a key frame would be when momentum ends or changes direction for the sprite?

Yes, add in-between frames.
Also, toy with timing.

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Timing is the big one IMO

good timing can help frames that would look jumpy normally look smooth when animated.

Depends on which smear you are going for…

For a point A to point B smear like dashing forwards, usually what I do is take the frame before and after the smear frame, combine them together, close the gap between them a few pixels, then remove the black from the whole sprite.

Then I take the colors from both sides and connect them with the line tool, filling it with the selected color.

For smears like a swinging weapon I recommend looking at other examples and working from them, like look at the critical animation for any Lance user and try to mimic the spin they use (or what a lot of people do, just take the spinning sprites and recolor them for their current sprite).

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Seriously though. I’m using the Malig Knight animations for Valter in my hack and the lance you added will be more true to his character. Thank you for sharing your work.

Yeah I was annoyed that there was no lance animation as it ment you couldn’t make this a proper promotion for a wyvern rider.

Ok that makes sense. Also is there a workflow that you or anyone uses that helps? Basically, all I have done so far is make a silhouette and then set different body parts on different layers, and then map out the animation with the silhouette before coloring and shading everything. Does that sound about right?

I use GIMP with a script that can generate separate pictures from layers exclusively.
As I said, the easiest way is to make some key frames and fill the gaps. Also try to cut your character into parts like head, upper chest, arms, weapon, etc. It’s easier to move them this way rather than copy them each time.


Holy crap.

Why art thou saying the name of almighty Crap, our undying Lord?

yo this is actually insane, you just came outta nowhere and dropped a heaping pile of treasure here. u a real one for this


From nowhere. Well I suppose Poland is pretty much nowhere, yes.

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I’d love to have this script, the way I do it tends to send the images in the reverse order that I want so i’d love to know how you do it