FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

I see. Thank you very much Klok! And you are right, his art is simply amazing and of high quality.

Thereā€™s a couple others like Kilmar, Zeed and Jemmie that Iā€™m hoping to commission one day. The manga actually has a surprising amount of original characters.

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Huh, you actually can make a game out of it. An interesting thought. Maybe something like FE5.

I think Red Bean already made a Jemmie mug at one point

For full authenticity, make it an FE6 hack.

The Fiverr coder guy Iā€™ve contracted has already fixed a few key/crucial things with the repo. Itā€™ll take him a couple of weeks to get everything else done, but in the meantimeā€¦

Blue hyperlinks to classes work! Now if you click a blue class name in the readmes at the bottomā€¦

Such as the [Bard-Base] [M] Elffin +Weapons link, it will take you to the animationā€™s folder!

There were some other things fixed, but they only affect my usability of maintaining the repo, not the end users. Expect more info over the coming days.


Can you put all those in a zip with their proper names? Assuming they have names ofc.

Edit: Iā€™m fucking stupid.

So, the animation looks beautiful, but it seems odd that her crit animation is simpler than her regular attack animation. Maybe itā€™s just me being weird, but it feels like they should be swapped?

So @ScubaLuigi found an issue with the Generic Zephiel anim where it can hang. In my boundless wisdom, I had forgotten to add C01 to the standing motions of every script of every weapon type of both Generic Zephiel and Generic Zephiel Repalette.

Iā€™ve updated the .txt scripts and the .bin files in the original dropbox links, but hereā€™s a .rar with everything, unchanged stuff and updated stuff:


I was browsing the repo and went into some very obscure placesā€¦
And man, this needs to be made into a full animation.
Seriously, all animators who donā€™t know what to do, go into the ā€œConceptsā€ folder. Thereā€™s some hidden gold there that just needs to see the light of a day.
(Original concept by Zmr (?))


I agree, I personally canā€™t wait for Jeorge Redā€™s Deluxe Roy and his Elibian trio sprites to be animated in full someday. Who else thinks all the concept sprites need to be animated as well?

I was considering animating this the other day because I thought it look awesome.
And then I remembered that horsey hard.


Horsey hard, but we might be able to circumvent itā€¦
By default, the hit frame looks like this
Changing it to have the sword in the right hand would make the frame look wrong as the character would have to be flipped 90 degrees.

Thereā€™s this frame, before the fit one.

You can edit it (itā€™s very crude, just to prove a point) and thus change the hand from left to right

And boing.


Yeah, that could work. Iā€™ve got other animations I need to make for my project though.
(not very hard ones, mostly adding weapon to a class.)
Iā€™ve also got to playtest my hack, and man is that time consuming.

So, the Graphics here are just F2U, not F2E, right? Iā€™m making sure, because I donā€™t want to get people mad by editing assets they donā€™t want edited.

They should be labeled as such, some are strictly F2U, while others are both F2U/F2E

Iā€™m just going to presume that if they donā€™t specify, they arenā€™t F2E. Safer that way.


Since all resources should be properly credited, you can always ask the author if thereā€™s a particular thing youā€™re wondering about.

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yeah, but I want to keep my bothering of people to a minimum.

Thereā€™s a poll here where asset creators state their stances on their own works:

But generally, artists donā€™t mind being asked. Itā€™s not much time out of our day to say yes or no.