FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

I love this mans hair, so noble looking

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This is the most someone has ever loved the two of them.


YO! Can I use that Idunn portrait? The eyes look really good!


Of course! Since I posted it here, it’s F2U!


He has a better armor than the guys in Awakening, at least. How do they manage to move and swing their lances while stuffed in those trash cans is beyond my comprehension.


I couldn’t agree more. There’s something beautiful is the more simplistic designs of yore.


hey look it’s chads younger brother, virgin!



Virgin Astolfo vs Chad Chad.


I’ll post a micro-update here today.

I’ve finished Phase 1 all the way to the end of T2 Magi. Originally, T1/2 Magi were in the same folder, but I split them apart purely for my sanity. Both folders have a total of nearly 200 classes inside, so I I wanted to cut the work into smaller pieces.

Meanwhile, Cavs T1 and 2 have fewer folders than either of the now-split-apart magi folders. The same is true of fliers and monsters. All together, the remaining cavs/fliers/monsters folders have about as many animations as the T1-2 magi folders, so they should get finished before the end of the month, along with Phase 2 of the repo, signaling the end of the Battle Animation folder rework.

Regarding Phase 2. P2 is a very tricky phase. There are many ways I could reorganize the repo. The original method was like so:

Infantry (180+ Animation folders)
Lords/Refreshers/Unique (90ish)
Magi (180+)
Cavs/Armors (80ish)
Fliers (50ish)
Monsters (90ish)

So… how to reorganize the battle animation repo now? I’m not sure. Phase 2 is going to result in an absolute shit-ton of experimentation. My current WIP examples aren’t good enough. Magi need to be sub-divided further, while Infantry, which have been subdivided 4x already, are pretty lopsided.

Axes: 71 Folders
Swords: 148
Lances: 26
Bows: 73

So… I’ll probably try some experimental stuff and see how I can arrange the folders intelligently. That being said, my primary goal is to put things of a like nature together. This means I want Brigands to be together, Pirates to be together, Mercenaries to be together, and so on.

We currently have *15 top-level Category folders for the Battle Anim repo. I will probably expand this to more like 30, or even 40. I care most about grouping important stuff together so people who say “I want to get some axe wielders” will find what they want easily.

Anyway, I’ll have more to say about this by the month’s end. This necessary by agonizing repo rework is coming along well so far, minus my will to live. See the progress here:


That reminds me of this meme.


They look amazing!

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Looks like an infantry elincia.

Heck yeah dude! This tileset is gonna be a lot more versatile now. My main issue was always how constrictive the interiors felt.


The Law of Sacae is that there are no buildings other than tents


I always felt ilke Isadora’s portrait was off… There was pixel not red on her lips. Fixed that.

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it was there to give her lips a glossy fuller look
now it looks thin and off


Is Hicks really that better or is it just because he joins with a halberd which means he can massacre all the cavs in the next chapter…
But Brighton can equip it too.

As per the upcoming megapost about the Repo’s rework, I thought I would post a little tidbit.

You will notice that every animation folder will have a tag preceding it, such as [Paladin-Base] or [Mage-Variant]. What do these tags mean?

Types of animations:

Base-Suffix: This is an animation that either is a vanilla animation/vanilla +weapons, or a vanilla animation repaletted for other uses.

Reskin-Suffix: Identical to the Base animation in terms of movement, but it looks different stylistically. Typically character reskins or heavy artistic modifications that retain the original attack and movements are considered Reskins.

Variant-Suffix: These are animations that have motions which deviate from the vanilla movements. For example, Eliwood slashing instead of stabbing would qualify as a Variant. Variants can be Reskins, but Reskins cannot be Variants.

Custom-Suffix: A totally custom animation, such as the Greil Lord, would count as a Custom suffix. Note that there can also be fully custom animations that mimic the style of other animations. For example, MeatOfJustice’s Hunter is a fully custom animation based on the Archer.

Style-Suffix: This type of animation apes another. For example, an Eliwood-Style Berserker would be a Berserker that tries to look or fight or act like one of Eliwood’s Lord-type classes.

Type-Suffix: Some animations are really weird, like the Sword Brigand. This is a Brigand animation that only possesses a sword, not an axe. Since this is technically a Sword animation, but it uses the Brigand as a base, we call this a Brigand-Type.

I finally came up with a full classification that should encompass every type of animation in the repo and that will be added to the repo. The last two (Style/Type) are a bit more wiggly for the sake of those WEIRD folders that don’t blessedly conform to any norms, but otherwise, this is solid.

Previously during my rework, I actually listed a ton of Reskins under the -Base suffix. I will change those before transitioning to Phase 2 to Reskin, as required.

That is all. I only have Fliers and Monsters left, and I am pushing to finish the Repo Rework before the end of this week/month. I have a LOT of other things to work on and also the entire gigantic Repo update post, so this is really sucking away my will to live, but at least I’m in the last 1/4th of my work. Yay.


There is something that bothers me about the sprite a little, whenever it’s in regular pose, the sprite is left-handed, but the walking animation is right-handed, which is weird.

But other than that, nice map sprite : )