FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Woah, that’s insane!
You’re going to do Ephraim too or is it just a one-shot?


I probably will sometime soon

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Awesome!, Do you think duo units could be an interesting idea?


It’s an interesting idea but don’t really see how it could be used in an interesting way. Just made this for fun.

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Well, every time an enemy gets a lucky shot or crits them, they get a double kill. Lol :rofl:

Something im working on and im stuck because I have to many frames…any advice?

[File Thus Far]


that was my single favorite animation from shackled power. since its for a man who can’t control his strength when enraged hence his arm twitch before a crit.

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Thank you was looking to use these!

Some of Alice’s older contributions (like the older Nils mug) haven’t had their credits updated.

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Oh, yeah. I asked one of the repo contributors directly to change them, but they haven’t gotten around to it yet :confused:

Sorry for that, could you tell me which ones need fixing?

Hey, did you ever figure out who RattleSalad is? Their animations are actually kind of good, that JetStreamSam Crit animation in particular seems like it’d take a tonne of work to look good. Weird that someone would just drop a bunch of animations like that without any project or prior history with the community. Maybe it’s someone going under an alias who wanted to just test what reactions they’d get as a virtual anon.

Klok’s account is suspended, bro.

Oh! I dunno if I should actually post this here, but I just noticed the female Summoner map sprites are in the repo listed as ‘Unknown’, assuming they were added the same time as the battle animation I’d assume that they’re also mine-- I did map animations for her at about the same time as the battle animations.
This only applies to the 16x32 standing sprites and the moving sprites, I don’t know who did the ‘fixed’ ones.




actually wait hold on

It doesn’t work in fe8

How does one repal Zephiel’s animations without taking up too much memory?

aight, hold on i’ll do the fe7-8 one

Thanks so much! You’re a godsend

Is the unarmed battle animation for the male dread fighter suppose to look like the female one or did some files get mixed up?

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There are two female Summoner map sprites that are 16x32 in the repo rightnow. Which one of these are yours?
Necromancer (F) {Unknown}-stand Summoner (F) {Unknown}-stand

@Rickochet I’ll try to get in contact with Nura to see if he happen to still have an unarmed version of the male dread fighter. Right now, just using the magic animation should be able to pass off as an unarmed animation.

@Alice Did those portraits ever get their credits updated?