Same here
Allright, so whoever who can’t figure out how to patch the translation do this:
Get a jp fe8 rom
Download the UI translation patch
And search in google “rom patcher JS”
Just patch it, rename the patched rom and erase the “.txt” at the end of the file name so your emulator can read it as a game
So i have been playing the translated UI version of the game and there has been these things that feels like it shouldn’t be like that. We have:
In the first picture you can see that the value on text is 3000 so why does it sell at 10k?
In the second: that one thief from that chapter just didn’t move at all, i rushed for nothing
I do not have a picture for this but why the “mana” system counts as aid too? Is that intended? Basically every unit can rescue every other one while they have enough mana to do so and that is just weird i do not know how is that intended
For the first one, I think the description is wrong. It should be 10000.
The AI for that thief is not set properly.
This is the way how we implement the mana system. It is “intended” because of the limitation.
Ok, so the gem is ok, and the mana system. That is nice
Unrelated but i just wanna say i love the refuge mechanic
Been meaning to play this one and finally got around to it. Having a good time, just wish the whole thing was translated but the UI patch is enough for now.
So I tried and it doesn’t let me, and there is no txt file, I got a Jp fe8 rom, the translation ui patch, and they won’t patch.
Hmmm really weird, try again, i think that happened to me too, try like 5 times until it patches, does the web page look like this?
It is that site ya, the problem is when I press the button nothing happens, like at all, as if I’m not pressing it
Managed to get it working! Just wondering if transfer / NG+ is a thing or it the game goes from FE9 to FE10
Glad it finally worked, and idk about the other thing, you should ask the devs
Some updates may arrive soon.
I figured I’d try my hand and translating some bits of this hack for personal use and quickly ran into a wall when I saw the UI patch in FEBuilder. What in the fresh hell is this?
Please use the sprite from the right… Uhh… Because it is more detailed and cool!
I am a Canadian of Chinese descent. I am fluent in both Chinese and English, my English is better, Chinese a bit worse. I can help with translating.
How does the attack speed(AS) are calculated in this hack? the hammer weight 17, Titania’s con is 8, strength is 13 and speed is 15.
If we use the original FE9 calculation: Speed-(Weapon weight - Strength) it will be 15-(17-13)=11
If we use the GBA calculation: Speed-(Weapon weight - Con) it will be 15-(17-8)=6
the GBA calculation felt more correct but I am confused why the attack speed is 8?
same with Ike here, who is using the Iron blade and his attack speed is 12. So where are these extra attack speed came from? or is this hack using a different calculation?
I am playing the FE9+10 RE 5.9 and I am on ch 7.
Is anyone else experiencing issues with items just disappearing from characters inventory during battles. I understand that corrosive is a skill, but it should only work on equipped weapons and should only work if the enemy unit has the skill. Gatrie just randomly “dropped” his silver lance and Volke, his lock picks.
Waiting for a fully patched version. Keep up the good work, this game looks very promising from what I’ve played thus far.
Hi I have no experience in Chinese I know it takes a lot of work so I hope for an English translation
…yeah, no. I think I’ll call it quits here.