[FE 9+10 Remake][Completed] Rebuild FE9,10 in gba use FE8(Translation HIRING)

Praying for a translation. This looks awesome.


Yo, this looks sick as hell! Iā€™m a huge fan of Tellius, so Iā€™m genuinely looking forward to what itā€™ll turn out when the translation is finished. Itā€™s insane you managed to accomplish this much with the tech you have. :slight_smile:

I canā€™t wait to play it!

how do I get the english menu to work? @pollen NUPS keeps saying my rom file in invalid

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Iā€™ve been playing Maniac, so my thoughts are that itā€™s pretty unbalanced and not tested. I havenā€™t even found opportunities to do boss abuse because of the lack of healing in enemies. Iā€™m in chapter 11 and I think I got a potential softlock

After Chapter 11 you can go to the town, go to Arena or Mine to gain EXP or money. It is balanced and tested. If you donā€™t want to roll level up or spend time on that you can try the easy mode.

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after chapter 10? I havenā€™t seen the town as an option although the page says after chapter 12

Chapter 11 asked to run ASAP. Do you want to defeat the Black Knight?

Not really, I canā€™t beat most of the enemies in chapter 11

Okay I managed to beat chapter 11, the exp in the arena is low but better than nothing imo

Good day to you. Iā€™m trying to patch FE8 with the english transleted version of FE9 RE. However, it shows me some kind of error in the dource ROM.
How can I solve this issue?

First of all, make sure youā€™re using a Japanese ROM before patching.

Secondly, and someoneā€™s probably going to come in and correct me on this one because I almost never use online patchers, did you try unzipping the file?

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So recently Iā€™ve been playing a whole lot of different romhacks on my GBA Everdrive cartridge and using it on my gamecube, finding your FE9 + FE10 ports legit got me HELLA excited to dive back into those games, but Iā€™m probably sure itā€™s an emulator issue, your ports seem to be the only ones Iā€™ve tried so far that donā€™t seem to be compatible for some reason or another.
Just to be sure that it wasnā€™t a ā€œmeā€ issue, Iā€™ve tried using them on the ā€œMy Boy!ā€ emulator on Android and there arenā€™t any issues there.

Thanks for you and your teamā€™s amazing work, I absolutely canā€™t wait to see if ever the translation will be done and am beyond psyched to see how your Engage port will develop! :blush:


Iā€™ve been testing this trick and itā€™s great (it doesnā€™t look real), whether itā€™s the detailed portraits, the voices, the mechanics, the ā€œcinematicsā€, the gameplay, etcā€¦ The only thing this gem is missing is an English translation or Spanish translation.

Wow. Absolutely amazing job on this. Played the first few chapters and was blown away. Like many, Iā€™ve been waiting to properly get into it until there has been a full English translation. Iā€™ve read through the comments and noticed a couple people volunteer to finish the story translation to go along with the already finished UI translation. If any of those people are still working on that and need some help, Iā€™d be happy to assist in order to finally get a completed English translation for this. Itā€™s too good to only have a UI translation in my opinion. Please feel free to message me if this is something anyone is interested in.


How do I leave Gerric monstery? Iā€™m currently there but. L idea how to leave?

I think you go back to the world map if you go to the right or left most sides of the monastery map. Not sure about the left, but if you go all the way to the right, it should let you leave.

Hi, is there a way to disable combat arts and ā€œmana buffsā€ that help out non-Laguz characters through febuilder? I would like to play without them.

I am afraid there is no patch to do so. To use or not is all up to you. You can choose not to use it.

I wanna know how to patch the FE9 UI translation, i just cannot find anyway to do it


You need to use the JP version of FE8. You can even patch on Android lol