[FE 8](Full-Length) [COMPLETE?] Eligor's Spear version 3.0 (46 +1 Chapters)

From those images it looks like you are on a mode other than hard. Which means emereide is sitting on your secret shop.

(which is kind of gross by the way)

Lol :joy:

The shop had to be kept secret somehow…

Does anyone know how to unlock gaiden chapters?

I might have missed alot of them.

How do you sneak past the guards in the Exalted Realm?

Like the concept but not sure how to do it? Warp? Use Sleep on the two guards?

Only gaiden is For Old Times Sake.

You sneak by not ever getting into combat with them. If you just check the global ranges before placing you should be able to figure it out. Think of it like a puzzle where you need to get the enemy phase units to move in ways that leave squares open for you to use.

The map has no RNG if you don’t enter combat, so it’s just a matter of testing possible solutions.

If you want specific help PM me and I’ll work with you on getting a solution for normal/hard (I have to double check my notes for lunatic, IDR if I had strats for skylar without boots)

Is the reward for sneaking past them worth it?

I don’t want to miss that Aura or Hoplon Guard if possible

I noticed that after you promote your entire party, the difficulty on Normal Mode drops quite a bit. No more depending on luck or rng as much.

Without spoiling too much, yes. Very much yes. Also, depending on how you spent your boots, and whether you still have all of your 8 speed horse units and/or warp/rescue staves it should be possible to steal that guard on your way.

At least on Hard mode it was possible to nab both the gem and the guard on the way out without spending any staves (though only just barely and only with a 9 speed skylar).

With access to sleep, warp, and/or rescue it should not even be that difficult, I don’t think.


I sneaked past the guards but I didn’t get anything at the end. The Valkyrie approached me but I silenced her so she could not engage in battle, though she kept getting close to my units.

I was also able to get the Hoplon Guard and Gem.

I thought I would get something, though…

In For Old Time’s Sake: In the Item Guide Excel File, there are 3 items there that you can get but I have no idea how to get them. They are listed as “Treasure”.

The thing you GET is the gaiden chapter.

IIRC if you fight then you don’t get to play For Old Times’ Sake.



There is an event trigger on the map by ending your turn on certain tiles (in front of the fountain). This event can give you one of three items depending on how the event goes, it is not possible to get all three in a single attempt.

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Ok, i know no one has thought about this, but since i’ve seen a lot of people basically all say they like this hack but the enemies are way overtuned and certain chapters can be completely unreasonable with how you could potentially get softlocked if you get screwed hard enough on levels i have an idea, a likely unusable idea, but an idea nonetheless.

Static Leveling, atleast for lunatic that way some consistency can be added to yhe players side so that you don’t end up with, like a 15/10 Caimen with 14 Strength going into the last chapter. Not a good example but it is in the realm of possibility.

can’t you turn on easy or casual for those levels? the post makes it seem like you can change whenever

Well thats just it, on lunatic enemy placement can and usually will be different, since the creator has started that lunatic is more of a puzzle than just the enemies having higher stats. The problem therein becomes “are my pieces big enough to fit?”

Example (random concept) say you have to kill a General with exactly enough defense/resistance that your only axe user with a hammer can’t kill him because he missed a 75% strength growth 7 times and is now too weak. Normally you’d reset and get everything set up and it’ll be fine.

now imagine a map placement where if that axe user NEEDS to one-round that general that he is incapable of one–rounding due to the different enemy layout making the general his only viable target.

Essentially the rng dependant nature of stat gains in FE make certain levels of this hack maddeningly more intolerant if you get stat screwed. Most likely requiring a complete reset or redoing a few maps for better levels on the units who need it.

Tl:dr if the solution requires a unit to have certain minimum stats to complete it, giving the player the means to ensure those stats would help.
And before you say it, no more stat boosters wouldn’t help because if you didn’t know beforehand that your archer needed 20 strength for a certain map then would you honestly give them the strength booster?

I’ve mentioned before that I think enemies should have static levelling. I don’t think it’s necessary for the player units. Or if instead of totally static is at least defined once when you go to the map from the previous map, so if you save the enemy stats are “locked in” instead of being rerolled every time you go back to the save.

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You can use FEBuilder to add “Fixed Growths” (average stats) patch that makes the player units get fixed level ups.


Also, just for clarity, when you said this; did you mean that even beating the chapter at all has the requirements or perfectly beating the chapter with all the side objectives completed?

Because to simply beat a chapter without the extras is obviously way less demanding than to also get all the side objectives.

And then there’s always the possibility to reduce the difficulty on a per-chapter basis.

On another note, it could be an interesting challenge to play some supposedly unbeatable chapter(s) with 0% growths on.

Ideally the player would get a seed when they start Prologue, and then all RNG would be decided from that. Or at least all the player and enemy unit growths would be fixed.

But that’s not just some simple FEBuilder patch you can add, at least not currently since afaik no one has made it yet.

“Lunatic Conquest level ups” is worthy of it’s own FEU question/request topic

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I suppose i can clarify a few things.

I haven’t messed with FEbuilder and i’m a little hesitant to since i’m afraid i might screw something up and not know how to undo it.

As per the actual question, i ment it as a “in general” statement. Since i know lunatic is more ment as a puzzle rather then just hyper inflated stats in a pure lunatic run getting stat screwed could theoretically become a softlock.
Due in part to the solution being rigid enough to, as a generic example, needing caiman specifically to oneshot a General alone with a hammer. if he gets strength screwed and can’t do it it can leave a sour taste in the players mouth since the puzzle can’t be solved through no fault of the player.

TL:dr if the intended solution of any given map to be cleared at all, regardless of objectives, demands certain stats. Giving the player a guarantee of getting those stats might help.

I would agree with you on this premise, but it’s just hypothetically and I highly doubt it’s actually true. And that’s when ignoring that there’s RNG in hit and crit rates and enemy stats are rerolled on every reset so you can’t go in into the game with the mentality that there’s a fixed puzzle to beating each chapter, because there’s no guaranteed of there being a strategy with 100% success rate.

And even if there is one, it’s probably worse than one that takes some risk anyway. (i.e. by being wasteful in resources you might have a harder time beating later chapters.)

Can you give an example of a chapter where you could get soft locked (especially when not caused by player errors)?

And again, since there’s RNG and someone could theoretically just get lucky enough to win after enough resets, a literal soft-lock isn’t possible, but at least where you’d need so many resets/get so insanely lucky that you might as well start over would count as a ‘soft lock’ in my opinion.

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Well i can’t really give an exact chapter since I’m mostly going off of what i’d seen from a lot of comments and watching mangs play it since I’m personally only on like chapter 4 i think. I’ve been playing a lot of other hacks and while i do want to go back to this one, its difficulty can be somewhat off putting.

Hard can be good but it has to be hard in the right way otherwise you go from a good liquor to bashing your head against a brick.

It just seems like that since the enemies are so high grade that the stat benchmarks are so much higher that 1-3 missed strength can hurt but -4 or more can bench cripple a unit. Its why i use Camian as my example, since if your mandatory deployed Berserker gets strength screwed he becomes dead weight you can’t afford.

Hello to all.:grin:

Can anyone tell me if, since the last time I participated in this thread (several months ago), the difficulty level has been lowered: I emphasize for the umpteenth time that there are those who, like me, play on real hardware (gba or DS Phat/Lite) without using savestates, but only normal ram saves: and pass certain chapters in this way is almost impossible! :thinking:

it really shouldn’t matter too much depending on when you are promoting. The game is balanced such that it should be completable even if you are instantly promoting units when they hit level 10, because you gain experience so slowly anyway.

The game is also NOT very stingy with its stat boosters and the like.


On Lunatic you get Skill on map 1, Str and Luck on map 2, speed on map 3, HP on map 6, Defense on map 7, Speed and move and luck on map 8, Res and Con and Metis on map 9, Metis on 11, Metis on 12, 1 each for every stat AND a metis on 15 (The gaiden), HP and Mov on 16.

Plus you have perpetual access to pure waters to drink for temporary res boosts and a LOT of Hoplon guards you can pick up to negate crits.

Overall the bigger issue I find is the variance. If I knew I was going to need certain stats for certain strats then I could just treat getting stat-screwd as requiring a reset. Not knowing whether it’ll work because the game rerolls enemy stats every time I restart a map is a headache though.

@Nikokaro most likely yes. There are at least a few maps that were changed in ways that made them noticeably easier (at least on lunatic) I still have yet to actually run on the lower difficulties, so I don’t have any ability to comment on that. From what I’ve seen you should still expect to reset a given map 2-3 times when going through an attempt, but I don’t think it has looked as brutal as the often 50+ I was experiencing on some maps where I just opted to use savestaes instead of resetting.

I can say for certain that it is possible on lunatic to make it to map 7 on real hardware (stupid green unit got himself killed on that map though, ending my attempt), because I have made it that far on Ironman attempts. Still might not be easy, and you likely will still reset with some regularity.

My understanding is that the lower difficulties ARE easier than the lunatic mode, so playing that casually should be possible- if challenging.


Honestly the level thing was hyperbole, and more intended to point out the inherent issue of a map being designed as a puzzle.
If the only solution is a stat check, then you automatically lose if you can’t meet it.
Its kinda like ow gharnef can only be damaged by starlight, if you didn’t train a mage to use it you can’t even try to get the falchon, much less try to find the real gharnef.
When a FE map function like a puzzle that assumes the players pieces are able to face them. I suppose i shouldn’t have assumed that people would understand that the -7 strength comment was even taking statboosters into account, and i rarely account for crits.
Now lets make this as blunt as possible, say the puzzle was making one Berserker survive against a mercenary and a myrmadon, you don’t have a reaver or slayer, and can’t under any circumstances survive fighting both of them because you missed 4 levels of defense with a 40% growth and you already use all the defense boosters on even squishier units. That’s the kind of crap i’m talking about. The stuff you can’t reasonably know is going to become an issue due to first playthroughs mostly being blind.

There are even several posts in this thread of people gripping because they started a brand new hack on the hardest difficulty and assumed it wouldn’t be any harder than most hacks. I’m not saying make it easier, i’m saying give the player alittle bump every now and then. Maybe a guardian axe to boost camian’s lowish defense, a knife that halves defence for skylar since sometimes his offense is lacking.
Give the player a tool to help on some of the more hair pullingly frustrating maps.