As a preface, I don’t know if this belongs in Creative or Community, so I took a shot in the dark.
So, today I bring before you yet another extremely long thread. This time, I will be creating a fake banner of units for the game FEH, with units to create a new meta/break the current meta as of mid-September 2020. In the past I’ve speculated fun ideas for refines, and twice entire units. This time, I’m going full-out and will be creating a speculative banner consisting of hack characters. I have no plans to make this real, but consider it part of my application if anyone wants to make the fe8 feu gacha playable.
With that out of the way, let’s go. Below I have listed which units I have chosen to participate in this banner. They have been marked as spoilers for your scrolling and reading convenience.
From the minds and hearts of the fans themselves…
First Unit
Erik: Supreme Baker
Son of a war veteran. His father wants him to live quietly as a baker,
but Erik wants to be a knight like his father.
Appears in Fire Emblem: King’s Brand.
Voice Actor: Stefan Martello (See: Rhys)
Artist: Okuma Yugo
Axe Cavalry
HP: 35-
Atk: 31+ (45)
Spd: 38+
Def: 19
Res: 38+
BST: 161
Weapon: Courageous Axe+: 14 might. If unit is not adjacent to any ally and unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice. Inheritable.
Special: None
Support: Reposition
A: Swift Strike 2 (Available at 4 stars)
B: None
C: Def Ploy 3
Summon Quote: Hello, my name is Erik. I wish I had some bread to show you, but…
Special Quotes:
Don’t underestimate me!
I’ve got a surprise for you…!
Try this!
I’ll take you down!
Defeat Quotes:
Ah, all the bread…
That doesn’t look good…
Hold on, I’m not ready…
Tap Quotes:
Here, I baked something for you.
There are a lot of really good cooks here. I should try to expand my skills!
As close as baking is to my heart, protecting those I care about matters to me more.
Even if I’m not the strongest in battle, I promise to do the best I can.
5 Star Level 40 Line: It’s great that you put so much faith in me. It means more than you think. I know I have a long way to go to becoming a knight, but you’ve stuck with me through thick and thin, and I’m super thankful for that. I promise, I won’t let you down!
Second Unit
Mako: Loyal Princess
Princess of New Kythera, and twin sister of Prince Halcyon.
She makes all of her choices based on her definition of justice
and on the command of authority.
Appears in Fire Emblem: Hiraeth Legacies
Voice Actress: Julia McIlvaine (See: Echidna)
Artist: Asanti Tomoyo
Lance Infantry
HP: 47+
Atk: 39 (55)
Spd: 20+
Def: 35
Res: 33-
BST: 174
Weapon: Yzoelta - During combat, if unit’s max HP > foe’s HP, unit can counterattack regardless of foe’s range. Disables foe’s non-Special skills that “reduce damage by X%.”
Special: Frost Ignis: Boosts damage dealt by 40% of the combined total of unit’s def and res. Cooldown = 3. Not inheritable.
Support: None
A: Life and Death 4
B: Special Spiral 3
C: Empyrean Blood: During combat, if any of foe’s stats are higher than unit’s (except HP), nullifies penalties on unit and bonuses on foe for the respective stat. If any of foe’s bonuses or unit’s penalties are nullified in this way, unit attacks twice. Not inheritable.
Summon Quote: I’m Mako, Princess of New Kythera. As much as I might like to get to know you, I’m afraid I much prefer to focus on getting work done. You may lead me.
Special Quotes:
You will know my name!
Damn you!
Justice shall be swift!
Defeat Quotes:
Ah… Father…
Why am I so afraid…?
I don’t understand…
Tap Quotes:
Halcyon is my twin brother. He’s a bit of a wild card, but I trust him.
Are you looking for something, perchance?
Should we imprison our foes, or eliminate them?
I could use a coffee right about now…
5 Star Level 40 Line: As I fought alongside you, it made me feel like I needed to open up to you. The thing is, I’m not the perfect upholder of justice. I’m just a girl who wants to be strong for those close to me. Maybe then, I can make my father proud. He always emphasized strength, but never looked my way. At the least, if I’m strong enough for you, then I’ll be happy.
Third Unit
Kelik: Stoic Swordsman
A wandering swordsman who joins Siegfried’s rebellion against
the country of Magnus. Blunt and rude, but has a soft spot.
Appears in The Last Promise.
Voice Actor: Nicolas Roye (See: Sothe)
Artist: Kita Senri
Sword Infantry
HP: 45-
Atk: 37- (53)
Spd: 45+
Def: 23-
Res: 26-
BST: 176
Weapon: Arectaris - Unit can counterattack regardless of foe’s range, and nullifies effects that prevent unit’s counterattack. Grants Atk/Spd+3.
Support: None
Special: Constellation: Increases damage dealt by 150%. Cooldown = 3. Not inheritable.
A: Darting Breath
B: Spurn 3
C: Savage Blow 4: If unit initiates combat, foe and foes within 2 spaces of foe take 10 damage after combat. Inheritable.
Summon Quote: Hm? So, you’ve brought me here. I hope I don’t have to take over this operation, too.
Special Quotes:
Can you feel the weight?
Don’t get in my way!
My potential shines through!
Defeat Quotes:
So close, yet so far…
How is this possible…?
So this is what you felt, Kain…
Tap Quotes:
Why are you doing that? Stop it.
I’m Kelik. That’s all there is to it. My history isn’t important.
Don’t get in my way. That’s your warning.
You can do better than you are now. I’m sure of it.
I don’t tolerate foolishness.
5 Star Level 40 Line: So, this is it, hm? You’ve commanded my blade for this long, and now you wish to spark a conversation with me? Very well, I’ll bite. The only reason I join these battles is so that I can find that man, Leon, and take my revenge against him. What do you mean there’s an archer named Leon around these parts? No, it’s another man. If you don’t know him already, he’s not worth talking about, anyhow. Perhaps my motivation is selfish, but it is what it is. It’s simply my calling.
(In the Japanese version, Kelik would refer to the mage named Leon rather than the archer named Leon.)
Fourth Unit
Void: Girl of the Week
The Demon King killed her family and took over her country.
Appears in Fire Emblem: Void’s Blitzarre Adventure.
Voice Actress: Marisha Ray (See: Oboro)
Artist: Soeda Ippei
Lance Cavalry
HP: 43
Atk: 40+ (56)
Spd: 25+
Def: 30
Res: 24-
BST: 163
Weapon: Super Blitz - Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1. If unit initiates combat, attacks the lower of foe’s Def or Res.
Special: Blitzkrieg - If unit’s HP > 75%, boosts Atk by 60%. Otherwise, restores HP = 50% of damage dealt. Cooldown = 3. Not inheritable.
Support: Rally Up Def+
A: Atk/Def Solo 4
B: Lull Atk/Def 3
C: Panic Smoke 3
Summon Quote: Yo.
Special Quotes:
Let’s get this over with!
Don’t test me!
Donate to Circles!
Defeat Quotes:
The Blitz… was a failure…
Can I try that again…?
Donate to circles…
Tap Quotes:
Come on, got anything else to do?
I don’t have anything on me, I swear.
What do you want to talk about?
You should donate to circles.
5 Star Level 40 Line: There’s no time for support conversations when you’re making a Blitz. I appreciate the attention, though.
Free Unit
Belle: Runaway Princess
The Princess of Fortuita. When her mother is killed by
her own advisor during the war with Arynden, she is
forced to seek refuge.
Appears in Fire Emblem: Staff of Ages.
Voice Actress: Laura Stahl (See: Tanya)
Artist: Amagaitaro
Sword Flier
HP: 37
Atk: 35- (51)
Spd: 37+
Def: 24
Res: 35
BST: 168
Weapon: Callandor - If unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd, unit can counterattack regardless of foe’s range. If unit’s HP = 100%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat.
Special: Sol
Support: None
A: Distant Defense 3
B: Guard 3
C: None
Summon Quote: I’m Belle, Princess of Fortuita, it’s good to meet you. Now, where are your enemies?
Special Quotes:
Take this!
You can do better than that!
Luck is on my side!
Defeat Quotes:
I have betrayed myself…
Maybe I can still fight…
How is this…?
Tap quotes:
I’m doing quite alright, thanks for asking.
Something on your mind?
Have you seen Owen and Sawyer at all, by chance?
Happy to see you, friend.
5 Star Level 40 Line: Hm? You’re looking a bit dour. Do you feel bad for me? Hmm. Yes, perhaps I’ve been through a lot, but I’ve grown strong because of my experiences. The only way to be a good leader for Fortuita is to be stronger than my mother was. I respect her a lot, but sometimes, I must admit that she was perhaps too lax with the Arynden invasion. That doesn’t give Seneca the right to kill her, though. I’ve learned a lot from being with you, too. When I return to my world, I’ll be sure to take what I’ve learned with me. So, if you’re still feeling upset, just remember that I thank you.
Feel free to leave feedback on the choices I made, and the quality of the writing. This took me 6 hours to do.