Doubling skills [done]

You probably want to add Null Follow-up skill that nullifies all skills that garentees follow up or prevents follow-up attacks. Also are you going to edit Quick riposte?

Wary Fighter exists

I will make one where you cannot be doubled

Quick Riposte will work the same as before

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I guess vengeful fighter acts a Heroes quick riposte but Wary fighter is different than null follow-up. Wary fighter disables doubling for both units, NFU disables that disabling AND also disables skills that cause you to double when you otherwise would not. In fact it would just turn off all of these skills entirely and sets doubling back to if you reach the AS threshold to do so. I think its worth adding simply as an answer to these skills. In Heroes NFU shenanigans get a little complex but gba doesn’t have as much going on so it should be fine. Design wise it makes sense to me to have a way around having an entire stat ignored but thats just my opinion.


Made this, too. Icon please :slight_smile:

I’m happy to use yours over Someone’s since they’ve already made so many and you suggested the skill.

Likewise I’ve put your version into the pull request.

With this, I think I’ve made around 9 skills related to doubling and I’m done with them for now. Thanks for all the ideas, everyone!

I probably wasn’t clear enough in my first post, but the criteria I was generally looking for was:

  • simple, clear effects
  • easy to make
  • broadly applicable

If I didn’t choose your ideas, it was usually for one of the above reasons. Cheers!


Perhaps you could recreate Alacrity from Engage

Reorders any follow-up attacks to take place right after the initial attack.
[If (user’s speed − foe’s speed) ≥ 9 and user initiates combat]

Basically Desperation, but the activation is a speed threshold instead of an HP threshold

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I’m done making more, but thanks anyway.

If you’re interested in making your own skills, most of the new ones I made are in the above link.

For example, Reckless Fighter was pretty simple. If either unit has the skill, forcibly double.

int RecklessFighter(struct BattleUnit* bunitA, struct BattleUnit* bunitB) { 
	if (SkillTester(&bunitA->unit, RecklessFighterID_Link) || SkillTester(&bunitB->unit, RecklessFighterID_Link)) { 
		return ForceDouble; } 
	return NoChange; 