Oh my god where do I begin. You can find my old thread on the project from March of 2024. tl;dr: One chapter project featuring a brother of Claude who is not an asshole leading the loyalists against Shahid’s rebels in the end of a civil war. Hopes/Houses fusionish.
So. When I made that topic I was preparing to move out of the boring tiny town in a flyover state in the US I lived in my whole life, 33 years old, autistic, struggling, no jobs that would hire me and keep me. I am now settled in the state’s capital that was an hour away and the difference is night and day. Stable employment. Met my boyfriend in person. Got serious with that.
In the midst of that life stuff I had little energy to work on this project, and especially with it being my first romhack project on FEbuilder (back in the day I tried FEditor and a bunch of other game engines), I was struggling with getting portraits to import correctly. But thanks to kind people on the discord I figured it out.
I’m also one of the GMs and a player in a TTRPG with 10 people in it, so that’s a time sink. I’m a writer at heart and I have some great dialogue planned for this hack that I can’t wait for you all to see. But I won’t just post it here in a big ass wall of text. I know talk is cheap. Anybody can come here and be an idea person but this community wants to see actual work being done. I understand and respect that. I just wanted to post this so you people know I’m alive and still very much invested.
Shoutout to @PurpleMage @Cygnus and @UltraxBlade for kinship and support, the last two also being players in said TTRPG.
Feel free to support me or tell me to fuck off and give you content, but if you read this 2 am rambling to the end thanks.