Indigo can pretty much go anywhere but a lot of my playtesters prefer spider, troubadour, or knight (phys or magical)
Hmm, I can see that. I may do centaur just because I’m hurting for a decent axe user, but I did notice spider having really high caps.
Doggo is a close second just because I’m actually using most of the monster units. except Zomberk, galeforce is not good enough for his garbage stats.
(Sorry for double posting)
@Rye_on_Speed sorry for this.
One last animation softlock on “We are the Sacred Stoners” the Duke Nukem doesn’t load the right animation with chekov’s gun which doesn’t have the return thrown axe animation which just causes the thrown axe bug to lock the game up.
Granted having animations off bypasses this but since there’s that warning on the map you either quick reset to redo the fight eithout animations and risk units being deleted or restart the whole map to avoid it.
k i’ll fix it
Alright, time for my final spiel on this.
You did damn good Rye.
As goofy as some of this is, I certainly enjoyed it. I’m certainly going to keep this one on my 3ds as one of those hacks I replay every so often for shiggles.
Sorry I had so many bugs to report, oh and CJ’s anims don’t work I only used him once so I forgot about that one. Thanks for the timely replies on those fixes.
And one last time, sorry bout that.
alright, I’ll start getting on those fixes then, and thank you for playing the hack, it really means a lot to me that someone appreciated me and the team’s work
I definitely appreciate the hard work you and your team put in, it certainly showed.
I also hope I haven’t been too much of a bother with the bugs I stumbled onto. And let me also just say randomly, burnout is a bitch.
It’s really no problem, fixing bugs is all part of doing this stuff.
And yeah, burnout is a bitch lmao
I may or may not be lying when I said that this is my last hack
(You bet your ass I’m lying, I always flake out on quitting)
Neat, well then allow me to say one last thing I held back due to that.
I do look forward to whatever insanity you choose to cook up next, and if you ever need a goofy idea or two I’ve got enough free time to think of 'em.
Bro can u change the white/transparent danger zone colour to someting darker or just Red like usual?? its impossible to see it now when i press Select…
No, because changing it back is more of a pain on the technical side than keeping it now
gamelock on chapter 15 : Prayer Prayer
Giving Kaito hes swords+heal items bugs/freeze the game for me on mGBA.
He never loads up in chapter event but the other 3 chars do though.
Kinda fixed it but at what cost… Kaito is gone though from my deployment.
i got it working again
i had to delete the event lines giving Kaito 2 swords and 1 potion
now it works again
Edit: Just finished the hack and it was a lot better then the 1st 1 imo, evrything got improved and i also liked the new danger zone being constantly active while moving even if its sometimes hard to see cuz of the white colour on some maps but darker on others.
This was a very enjoyable streamlined quality hack, i really hope for another 1 in the Grug Universe Saga!!
Thanks to Team Stoned Stoners for this hack!
Grug 2 OST has been uploaded onto yt for your enjoyment!
All entries are original comps or remixes by our talented MemeTzar featuring some guest tracks from our artist, LonkFromCalifornia!
I enjoyed grug 1 and
Endgame question
When does the route spilt happen between the good end and bad end happen
Overall I enjoyed this hack
there’s only one branching choice in the entire game lmao that’s when you get the split
Ohhh just saw this at FE3 so just wanted to know if this hack has completed functioning support and/or PE?
Also, I haven’t played the first one so I’m unfamiliar with your work. Should I play that one before this one?
read one support and you will find your answer
you don’t really need to play grug 1 before grug 2 but if you wanna give it a shot be my guest