Can't Change Tempo in Song Table

  • Hacking method: FEbuilder

  • Base Game: FE8

  • Steps to reproduce: Song Table → Song Track Editor → Import Song → Music Score → Tempo Correction → Change

I wrote and imported a song but when I tried playing it with Sappy, the tempo was much higher than it should be; I tried changing the tempo but it never actually changes no matter what number I enter into the Tempo Correction tab.

Maybe the s file for the song does not contain TEMPO.
FEuilderGBA changes the value specified in the TEMPO command.
Therefore, if the TEMPO command is not included in the first place, it cannot be changed.
The initial value of TEMPO depends on the application being played.
This is because TEMPO is not supposed to be specified in the first place.

The same can be said for VOL, PAN, and VOICE.
If those data are not included from the beginning, they will not be corrected.
The default behavior when these values are not present in the sfile also varies from application to application.

And, when asking these questions, the data should be made public first.

Thank you, I was able to solve it with this information