Can you recommend a Fire Emblem Fates mod to me?

I’ve already beaten the game on Lunatic on all three routes. What’s next? Is there a “harder mode” mod or “story rewritten” mod I should try? How many are compatible with each other?

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not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but if you’re looking to have some fun I’d suggest playing the Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon Remake, it’s simply an amazing mod!


This looks awesome! Thanks for sharing it here.

Try silent waves (it’s rev but better)

Shows lots of promise, and gameplay is finished mostly but still wip on some areas.


Reminded me of when I saw someone talk about them binging fates mods on Reddit so here is a Link to the thread

If searching for FE fates mod I would recommend gamebanana as a website

The only mod that aren’t mentioned in this thread or there are the one that replaces the cast of each game with the other so for example you would play conquest with the Birthright cast or the opposite and the bosses are also changed

I’m also currently playing through shadow dragon in fates as an Ironman and it’s definitely good

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I’ve already beaten the Fates mod in Ironman on max difficulty, it felt too easy to me. Is there a harder version? Like a 0% growths version?

New member here. Trying to get this remake to work and have the code.ips file in the same directory as my Fates Special Edition file, but when I run it on citra, it doesn’t show the extra save files and plays like Fates vanilla up to chapter 7. Do you know where I could look to next or find a workaround? If it matters, I have Citra pull my games from a folder on my desktop instead of the default mods folder. Not sure if that is causing my issue but any info helps. Sorry for the noob request

I’m going to be real, if Fates Lunatic was ‘‘too easy’’ then the only challenge really left for you is FE12 Lunatic Reverse or something. There isn’t much left otherwise as that level of difficulty is an uncomfortable amount for most and undesirable.

Dark Souls and Elden Ring is an “uncomfortable undesirable” amount of difficulty for most, and yet it still has mods to make it harder. Plus Fates Lunatic is too easy to trivialize with boring strats. The game is basically over once you have Ophelia. Percy’s paralogue gives out way too much money when optimized.

I wish there was a FE Fates Ultra Nightmare hack for people who find Lunatic too easy. People have beaten Lunatic on 0% Growths so the game can be beaten when your foes have a huge stat advantage over you. But how far can that be pushed? Yune has an option to add to or multiply enemy growths, it’s excellent for making Sacred Stones into a game where even Seth can die. Last time I tried Iron Manning the game on 150% growths I got pretty far, though the power disparity between Seth and the rest of the army made much of the army feel extremely weak. I wish Fates’s randomizer had something like Yune’s enemy growths modifier.

I know you asked for a Fates hack (and tbf I’ve already link them all in this thread) but if a gba hack is fine for you then you should try Eligor’s spear, its a very hard hack with tons of unique maps and objectives

here’s the Eligor’s spear lunatic mode description

Lunatic mode introduces plethora of changes to many of the chapters. This includes, but is not limited to, enemy stats, composition and equipment, but also to bosses’ AI as well as reinforcements. This difficulty is intended for those looking for a grueling experience that pushes you to your limits- and beyond them. However, if you chose a difficulty too high for you, you can always change to a lower difficulty setting. Expect this difficulty to go beyond Lunatic modes.


Eligor’s Spear is on my massive list of hacks to play eventually but I just bumped it up the list for you. It’s next after I finish Eckesacks.

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