BREAKING NEWS: Arch Finds His One True Waifu, Takes Back Condemnation of Modern Era Fire Emblem


relevant lyric at relevant timestamp
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i wouldn’t be surprised if claudes route is just a knock off blue lions route, even in the pre release marketing he always seemed like the odd one out with no real reason to be there and having started the game (blue lions first) that impression hasn’t really changed much. Maybe if there was a fourth house for him to bounce off of, or just gave him more of a point to be there.

Hanneman is my new best friend though, we shall embark on wacky professor hijinks as he steals my blood for questionable experiments.

tbh I wanted Alois to be my new, ahem, daddy but the game wouldn’t allow for that kind of ending


Same honestly.

This game is actually sub-par don’t @ me.


I see the hype glasses are gone


The game (spoilers beware):

Blue Lions

I’m gonna kill that bitch Edelgard/best route

Golden Deer

Pretty much the same as Blue Lions except worse, Edelgard gets plot hijacked by Ganon featuring dubstep remix

Black Eagles

Edelgard wins in 4 less maps than the other lords because she thinks she’s better than everyone


Arch grew a beard and I blame his new waifu for that.

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plot twist, they’re saving the last four maps of edelgards route as the dlc story content

also in regards to edelgard

Her dad ‘got her nose’ when she was a kid, and that bastard never gave it back. Arch is just showing his virtue by accepting her as-is, like that stupid rusty slinky you bought at a yard sale for $0.35 back in 1997.


I just realized something.


It all makes sense now.