Blank gba portrait?

Is there any gba portrait that is “blank”?, I mean, that isn’t an specific character, just a body without eyes or hair. And the default portrait from fe6 doesn’t work for this…

There are a few in the repo.

These were made by Blade.

They’re mostly for skin tones. I don’t think they’re intended to be ‘blank bodies’ for people to draw characters onto.

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I tried with them, but the size wasn’t correct…

Puedes intentar cojer un personaje que ya exista y quitarle los ojos, o dejarle calvo, y entonces empezar tu, eso no deberia ser muy dificil

Y si no sabes como hacerlo, usa de referencia las figuras que te acaban de mandar.


Edit: Me acabo de dar cuenta de que el 90% de los que lean tu post no se van a enterar de nada. De todos modos, gracias por la idea.

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Maybe just try to get generic portraits per class by using certain plain portraits like Treck for Cavaliers or just bosses too for their armor designs as normally they are based on the generic class armor. Then you can edit their armor all you want after that but you have a class basis.
Basically what Markex said.


Lo se xD

Pero de esta forma lo puedo explicar mucho mejor.

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I mean you could use one of the hooded figures in fe7 there are also a few portraits without faces in the graphic repo I’m pretty sure.