Name: Feardorcha
Gender: Female
Affinity: Dark
Class: Draco Zombie
Chapter: 17, River of Regrets

Growth Rates (Max 430%):
Hp: 80
Str: 75
Mag: 0
Skill: 30
Spe: 65
Def: 70
Res: 70
Luck: 40
Personal Skill: Lancebreaker
Level up skills (Up to 4):
Death Blow (1B version, +20 Crit on initiate) (Level 5)
Galeforce (Level 10)
Darting Blow (Level 15)
Lifetaker (Level 20
Boon: SPD
Bane: HP (Seriously, with that 53 base HP she’s not going to miss it)
(+4 and -4)
Inventory (Up to 4 items, no stat boosters)
Wretched Air
Description: An undead dragon that still seems to possess her former intellect and sophistication.
Other (Optional):
Essentially a Manakete that died and got stuck in her ‘dragon’ form, although, if the two Dracozombies in the last chapter are Myrrh’s parents… I suppose she’s like those two.
Annoyingly, the Draco Zombie is essentially enemy only with its animation due to the background, a separate animation needs to be imported for it to be proper. Could either be a custom animation or custom class, replacing the animation of the vanilla Draco Zombie in itself will make things funky for the enemy ones, I think there are patches for it though.
…The portrait’s probably going to be of her (possibly slightly decayed) humanoid form, so don’t get your hopes up for a dragon portrait. laziness! I just can’t stop making things harder for myself by giving myself more things to scribble.
As per usual, Feardorcha uses the ‘mug exceed’ patch, this time only one for her unbroken horn.
Tile 1 - X: 6, Y: 254