Azure Seal: The Sword of Life and Death

I have references for my main characters so ye

more then references here. I have partial animation sheets. Also I just compiled a class list.

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Wow- you came prepared

Kind of, i did just whip up the class list though in Excel

I need to make a class list as well

more updates, made a server for the project not that I can link it I don’t think.

Yeah, i think your trust level gotta level up for that


But I’ll join there for sure

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moot point since I can’t link anything yet

I could just give you my discord so that way you can dm me there and send me the invite link there

or if you are in the server for FEU you can just message me from there?

I’m not in the FEU server but i could just join there now

completely up to you

Well for my discord, it’s Gridiron Yuki#5772

Update: I have finally added in some more information in the form of some google documentation, as well as a screenshot but as this is still in its concept stage I don’t have much concrete wise. I have dropped a link to the discord server for this project as well.

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