Hello everyone! Atlas here, I figured it would be nice to showcase some of the maps I’ve made over the past year. These maps are from my own hack: Arms of Valor. Some maps are also from Unity War by Darkslayer, and some soon-to-be F2U maps. I’m always accepting commissions so if you want to get a quote or learn more about my work, don’t hesitate to message me! Thanks.
This one may be my best, I love the elevation (there are some height errors I still need to fix). Honestly playing with the concept of rooftops and stacked villages has been so much fun! I’ve found that it also offers a lot in terms of gameplay. I hope people play it with this style more as time goes on.
Anyways, I’m going to go back to my mapping cave. Someone grab me when winter is over.
Hey Gang Atlas here. I’ve had a lot people ask me for some of my map palletes so I figured I should just share them somewhere. I’ll try to get them on the repo too but I’ll drop a zip file here as well as some previews. Some of these are old (u can tell which) but some will be from Arms of Valor. If u use any let me know and make sure to credit me. Thanks.
I’ve got a couple more maps I’ve been working on. I recently did a commission for Asturis.
These are some reworks of maps based on his original map designs.
Hello everyone, it’s Atlas here. It’s been awhile, and I have some more maps I wanna showcase. I’m also excited to announce that I’m working on a new project called: The Thousand Map Project. I’ll make a detailed thread about it soon, but the goal is to create over 1,000 free-to-use maps, using a variety of tilesets and sizes and concepts, for the community to use as they please. I can’t say much more about the project just yet, but if any mappers are interested in helping or contributing, feel free to message me!
Been a minute since I posted new maps, been doing commissions for Great Eclipse’s Ending Winter, NightGale’s Flames of the Great War and Astruis’ FE8 Prequel Project!
Here is a collection of maps from all those projects, as well as some maps for Tale of Valor. Hope you enjoy!