Alternate Difficulty Graphic

Anyone have different difficulty names here that they’ve be willing to share?
I’d prefer something along the lines of Normal/Hard/Lunatic, but I’m open to something different from that.

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idk i just made those up

It’s an image, lol

My request is for someone to share the graphic they made, not for ideas on what to call it :sweat_smile:




you got us all confused bro

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I’m pretty sure that Vesly wants the text in the difficulty options to be different. Since the text is an image, he is asking for an image of the difficulty.

It’s confusing to understand and explain lol.

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so you need a hand for…err…finding alternative graphics for those windows? :thinking:

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i made these a while ago, but they seem to work fine (in order from lunatic, to hard, to normal)
Patches Level Select_Palette at Difficult Inactive_098ECEBC
Patches Level Select_Palette at Difficult Active_098ECEBC
Patches Level Select_Palette at Normal Inactive_098ECEBC
Patches Level Select_Palette at Normal Active_098ECEBC
Patches Level Select_Palette at Easy Inactive_098ECEBC
Patches Level Select_Palette at Easy Active_098ECEBC


Thank you!

Can I share this with anyone who asks? It comes up once in a while.

I’ll credit you as Halbreadier unless you ask otherwise. Cheers.


yeah, feel free to share


The palette seems to have been eaten by the forums, so if anyone else wants to use this, please grab it from this link instead: