Advent of... Advent

Because I couldn’t come up with a better joke of how my name means ‘Arrival’…

Anyways! Hello, everypony. My name is DarkAdvent, though I just go by ‘Advent’ these days. While I might be new to FEU, I’m certainly not new to the FE fandom as a whole. I’ve mostly stayed in Jugdral circles for the last 6 years or so, since I like this duology just a little too much (but I do enjoy the rest of the series!)

My contributions include:

  • A full machine-translation of FE5’s Manual into English.
  • A WIP English Translation of all three FE5 Kobunsha Mangas (4Koma, Short Comics, Comic Anthology).
  • Being one of the main playtesters for the ongoing FE4 Spanish Translation.
  • Lastly, being one of the Lead Developers for the FE5 ROM Hack “Forseti’s Cut” which is a little bit of everything (rebalance, expansion, restores unused content, adds TONS of new dialogue).

I hope I’m able to meet some new faces (and even see some familiar ones) in this community :slight_smile:


Hewwo Advent

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Ooh, translations are nice. Tossing things at a wider audience is rather nice! Hoy there!

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Welcome Advent hope you enjoy your time here

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Welcome! Feel free to DM me if you need help with portraits, spritesheets or animations.

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