A Teraspark of Assembly

I know this is a bit much to ask, but maybe someone could help me install this? I’ve been trying by myself for a while, but I can’t get it to work.

You most likely got this error because you did not include the staff text files

This is defined in the Table Definitions file

Hi. I’ve been trying to install this again, and now I can install it, but it just softlocks the game and doesn’t play the animation of the staff working.

Any idea how to fix it?

Is this an existing staff breaking or you trying to make a new one?
If it’s the latter you probably neglected to set the spell animation for the new staff in the Spell Association Editor

Note that if you’re using the skill system staves & items have been split into a separate table here

Hi there, I don’t usually mess with eventing stuff and primarily use FEBuilder. I was interested in creating the Rewarp staff in my personal project and I was directed to visit your Fancy Items github page. I downloaded your “CustomItems” folder within the “EngineHacks” folder and then attempted to
load the _RewarpStaff_Setup.event file through FEBuilder’s “Insert Events via Event Assembler.” Upon doing so I received he following error:

2 errors encountered:
File _StaffAI_Setup.event, Line 41, Column 1: Symbol prGotoMovGetter isn’t in scope
File _StaffAI_Setup.event, Line 46, Column 1: Symbol prGotoMovGetter isn’t in scope

No data written to output.

I’d like to be clear that I am interested in creating ONLY the rewarp staff so I would like to load only the minimal amount of events required to do so. That being said I am unsure which events need to be loaded exactly and in what order. If any events or files need to be inserted outside of what is within the rewarp folder or even outside of what is within the custom items folder, please let me know. Also I have tried to be as detailed as possible so I apologize if any crucial info has been left out.

It should be noted that my project has already been heavily modified and uses the latest Skill Systems patch so a lot of the addresses will be different.

Sorry, but my custom staves were not made to be inserted through febuilder like this.
The staves use some things that have become a part of the skill system (prGotoMovGetter is from Modular Stat Getters) and i don’t know enough about febuilder to figure out how to make it refer to the skill system content you’ve already patched into your game.

i believe your best bet would be to add the staves you want to a custom build of the skill system rather than the “Insert Events” option

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I kinda figured there might be compatibility issues. But no worries, I was able to get it working through FEBuilder with some help. Appreciate the informative reply and thanks for making fancy staves.

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