A Letter from the FE Fan Game Community

Second chances? Wasn’t he called out like 3 years ago for something very similar? He had plenty of chances over the last ~4 years to stop what he was doing.

Why should the (second) public exposing of the behavior be a catalyst for a second chance?

Various people, from ghast to the victims themselves to random watchers/followers, told mangs his behavior was inappropriate. He had many second chances.

People are starting to amalgamate all posts/videos of his creepiness, and I think he burned his second chance a long time ago.

I understand the hesitation to participate in what seems like armchair vigilantism, but real judges and juries are horribly ineffective at addressing violations of assault and harassment. If the alleging individuals had not brought this to public, mangs would likely be continuing this behavior (or at the very least, not realizing the full extent of its toxicity).

Is your name by any chance a reference to the SS member and German tank commander of WW2 who has that nickname?

Talk about snakes…

Don’t meant to start an argument or a contentious back-and-forth, but I felt compelled to reply as my background is partially in theories of justice, and in both daily life and creative works I pursue rigorous understandings and examinations of justice and what it means to lead/govern/rule.

Also don’t meant to pick on anyone specifically. These problems are messy and lots of worldviews collide; I don’t think anyone in this thread has said anything all that bad except Mr. Wehraboo (because of the hypocrisy).


Not going to defend what he did but I think the entire thread is really misrepresented of what the real issue seems to be. Alcohol abuse is a serious issue and its something that really changes people. If you are going so far as to demand him to donate to charities I feel like not even mentioning anything about that is wrong on so many levels. You may not think it but he is a victim himself, not saying he doesn’t deserve backlash mind you but with how destructive it is… Well I may not be able to word it well right now but I ask you at least consider that he is a human as well not a monster.

I support the stance, sign me up.

This shit is something that should’ve never happened, and the least he can do is try to remedy the problem he helped with.

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A human that has conistently been creepy for over 4 years, when no alcohol as involved. Alcohol just made him more unhinged but the issue was always there.


I’ll sign.

I won’t sign. I don’t like Mangs, much less what he did, but I think this is going too far.
The only thing with authority and power to do something in regard to what happened it’s the judicial system of Norway.
At best, this will result on nothing. At worst, this will become witch-hunting, and I’m sick of that.

EDIT: I meant Norway, not Sweden. Sorry.


One editorial note: I’ve changed the word “demand” to “request.” In my opinion it doesn’t change the intent of the letter, but people harping on “well you can’t force him to do anything” are missing the point and so if that linguistic change helps clear things up then no big deal.

Thank you everyone for your support! It’s been a tremendous response, and I’m really proud of our community for standing up in solidarity with the victims.

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I think this sums up my thoughts on the matter too.

My honest unfiltered opinion is that mob rule, witchhunts and community shaming does no good. It certainly comes from the best of intentions, but the results are often divisive and cultivate a very dangerous reactionary culture.
I know that such ideas have been expressed in a far more cohesive and clear way in the past by far better thinkers than I. Be it Neitchze, Watts, Christ, Jung and many others.

I respect the effort. But this doesn’t feel like justice, or the right thing to do. It feels wrong - evil in a way. Maybe not on the same level, but evil none the less.

What Mangs did was wrong. Very wrong. But what’s proposed is not a path to redemption - it’s a march through the streets. A public display of humiliation.
If he wishes to be a Zacchaeus, so be it. But such an act should come on his own terms or it’s worthless. Under the pressure of the crowds, it’s just another act of faux virtue.

This is one of those things that will easily get out of hand in these trying times. People are angry, frustrated and confused enough as it is.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


You do understand what a witch hunt is, right? It’s an exercise in accusing someone of something really mundane that likely did not occur, for the sake of targeting that person specifically.

Mangs admitted his guilt and what he is guilty of is certainly not mundane. It is not a witch hunt.


If there is no pressure there is no change. If there was no rage he would have never needed to explain himself. Outrageous actions should be met with outrage, anger is a valid emotion.

Maybe it isn’t perfect, but sitting idly by is not going to fix shit.

And Mangs is the one that should build his own road to redemption, we don’t owe him forgiveness for the mistakes he himself has made.

This is a fair viewpoint and I understand your interpretation.

I think this letter is less about telling him “donate to absolve your wrongdoings” (which I agree, happens far too often and is usually half-hearted), but more so a moral gesture and stance by the fangame/romhack community that we do not endorse his actions since many of us allowed him to feature our work on his channel.

Considering us, like many of other content creators who collaborated, often benefited in some way from having our work featured on his channel, it’s about laying out where we stand.

This is not about punishment, this is about making a statement. This is about not remaining silent on an important issue that has hit our community.

It is perfectly understandable if you do not feel comfortable signing and you shouldn’t feel pressured to do so.


Standing up and said “I was wrong”, then asking for forgiveness is a human.
But using Alcohol to be a reason to bleach “what is wrong” is not a human, that make him a monster.
We still see him as a human, human sometime right and sometime wrong. What we do is give him a chance to redem his sins.
If we call him a monster, sorry but this letter is not exist and Mangs will have to talk with the judge.

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I’d like to sign my name on this, if possible.

Sorry dog, this isn’t anything but extortion. Rom Hacks are not things that you can gain revenue from for anything, and he is not obligated to give any money.

Not defending him but this is quite absurd


I’d like to add my signature to it.

Sign me too, please…

Mangs… We all make mistakes and yes, his behavior has not been something of now this has been going on for quite some time, it makes me laugh since I translated queen sword just for him to play it someday, maybe… (that was a motivation) and now this happens, things have been very hard this year, on the one hand this month has been very revealing in terms of this type of behavior and that finally come to light (much more than in other years) so that we can reflect and see what can be done.

I can’t say that I’m happy to know that his behavior hasn’t improved over the years, but damn it, why do these kinds of things always happen, I don’t know what to think anymore, this year is a garbage that has no end but at the same time, a year to reflect on who we are and who we know, it’s almost as if another hole has opened up from the disgusting world we live in but hey, it’s always been the case one way or another I guess.

I think the intention is there, I feel very sad for the victims and I hope they are well, I am sorry to be bad with words but I appreciate this approach, at least we can show some support to the victims.

Whatever he does from now on I hope he does well, and I hope he really improves that behavior, his content never upset me and I always found an escape in those moments when I needed it most, I don’t regret knowing him.

Extortion occurs when a person forces another person to part with property or makes another person do something through unlawful threats or force.

California Penal Code §518


it’s just peer pressure


Sign me on the letter as well.
Make sure to mention the Civ 5 mods.

Not a witch hunt, but it’s extortion

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