So yeah, I decided to do this to practice my romhacking skills.
Characters: Right now, I accept replacements for the playable cast only. I’ll decide whether to change bosses/add new characters after the playable cast is done. Playable characters done (though they may receive modifications in the future), I’m accepting bosses now bosses and CC units are done too, now accepting extra characters and extra characters are done too.
Classes: I accept new classes, promotion options, characters with the same class having different promotion options, old classes getting new weapons, custom animations, etc. In case of a new class, please mention which weapon types it should have access to (along with anything else you feel it’s worth mentioning).
Stats: Your character will have the bases of the character they replace. You’re, however, allowed to swap 2 of the base stats of said character. Swapping HP is not allowed for obvious reasons. Note that if you’re replacing a physical unit with a magical one (or vice-versa), you won’t need to switch Str and Mag. In case of bosses, you are allowed to modify their stats however you wish.
Skills: I’m using a FE8 rom with a custom build of SkillSystem. I can even try to make new skills if anyone wants. Each character should have a personal skill, and optionally they can have some level up skills. I’m not going to allow two characters having the same personal skill (or learning somebody else’s personal skill via level up) and in case I feel a certain skill or skill combination is too broken, I may modify it for balance purposes. Also, all unmounted classes except Dancer get Shove and all mounted ones get Canto+. This applies to bosses too.
Weapons: I accept suggestions for new weapons, be it normal ones or prf. Remember that there is also the option to make a ‘soft lock’ (like Aura/Excalibur in FE11/12).
And, well, I don’t know what else to say, so if you’ve got a question, just ask. I accept suggestions.
Playable Character Template
GROWTH RATES (max 350%):
STATS SWAPPED: (Example: trade X for Y)
PERSONAL SKILL (Can try to make a new one myself, if you want. Please don’t repeat them):
Boss Template
PERSONAL SKILL (Can try to make a new one myself, if you want. Please don’t repeat them):
AI (Whether you want them to charge, move, stay on a spot or something else):
Extra Character Template
JOINING CHAPTER (If it’s during the route split, mention route too):
BASE STATS (Final amount, since I don’t expect people to know class bases):
GROWTH RATES (max 350%):
PERSONAL SKILL (Can try to make a new one myself, if you want. Please don’t repeat them):
Slots (v2.3)
Eirika - Tharja (Shaman) by ToxicAdam
Ephraim - Rune (Apprentice) by Dex
Seth - Exia (Guildmaster) by Ultimiter
Franz - Lenna (Pegasus Knight) by VelvetKitsune
Gilliam - Ortega (Mercenary) by jackofblades1991
Vanessa - Amos (Wyvern Rider) by MageHero21
Moulder - Boulder (Knight) by MageHero21
Ross - Shiraha (Villager) by VelvetKitsune
Garcia - Morbick (Bow Cavalier) by DigBick
Neimi - Kassandra (Cleric) by Duke_of_Potatoes
Colm - Breeta (Pirate) by CrimZun
Artur - Siara (Pupil) by Taylor
Lute - Pharmos (Troubadour) by CrimZun
Natasha - Beryl (Shaman) by Freefall
Joshua - Zalda (Myrmidon) by Taylor
Orson - Phorde (Ranger) by MageHero21
Forde - Laresta (Gorgon) by Taylor
Kyle - Sinclair (Heavy Cavalier) by VelvetKitsune
Tana (Eirika) - Ricardo (Brigand) by Taylor
Amelia (Eirika) - Tulli (Mint Dragon) by Dex
Innes - Ragnarok (Killer Princess) by UncleDrAgN
Gerik (Eirika) - Alora (Battle Maiden) by Dex
Tethys (Eirika) - Xilian (Myrmidon) by Dex
Marisa (Eirika) - Braddok (Monk) by CrimZun
L’Arachel (Eirika) - Yue (Observer) by VelvetKitsune
Dozla (Eirika) - Cwn Annwn (Gwyllgi) by VelvetKitsune
Saleh - Hecate (Lamia) by DATonDemand
Ewan (Eirika) - Edji (Myrmidon) by MageHero21
Cormag (Eirika) - Kempfrika (Mage) by MageHero21
Rennac (Eirika) - Delilah (Plague Doctor) by DATonDemand
Tana (Ephraim) - Xandra (Sunchaser) by Taylor
Amelia (Ephraim) - Jormund (Journeyman) by ReturnOfTheBlackKnight
Cormag (Ephraim) - Ashnard (Dragon Prince) by ReturnOfTheBlackKnight
Duessel - Amber (Sage) by TheEmeraldKing267
L’Arachel (Ephraim) - Alear (Lord) by MageHero21
Dozla (Ephraim) - Zienfall (Tarvos) by Taylor
Ewan (Ephraim) - Hayden (Pupil) by Taylor
Marisa (Ephraim) - Xiomara (Shaman) by Taylor
Gerik (Ephraim) - Black Knight (Sword Armor) by ReturnOfTheBlackKnight
Tethys (Ephraim) - Hide (Sonneteer) by Dex
Rennac (Ephraim) - Beam (Berserker) by Freefall
Knoll - Eliza (Falcoknight) by MageHero21
Myrrh - Emerald (Sorcerer) by TheEmeraldKing267
Syrene - Balthir (Hero) by CrimZun
O’Neill - Linkle (Knight) by Taylor
Breguet - Opal (Myrmidon) by Taylor
Bone - Bone-Plus (Bonewalker) by Gullop
Bazba - Tobin (Knight) by TheEmeraldKing267
Ch.4 Monster - Jeremiah (Nomad) by TheEmeraldKing267
Saar - Ernesta (Knight) by TheEmeraldKing267
Zonta - Milton (Shaman) by TheEmeraldKing267
Novala - Orga (Brigand) by Petey
Murray - Velvet (Ravager) by VelvetKitsune
Tirado - Chilliam (General) by Omnifox999
Binks - Kain (Dog Rider) by Taylor
Pablo - Lana (Strategist) by RNGSOMEONE
Ch.11A Monster - Harvey (Paladin) by TheEmeraldKing267
Ch.12A Monster - Constance (Dark Flier) by RNGSOMEONE
Aias - Hapi (Strategist) by RNGSOMEONE
Carlyle - Omna (Sorcerer) by RNGSOMEONE
Gheb - Batta (Warrior) by Kenji7971
Beran - Hank (General) by TheEmeraldKing267
Ch.11B Monster - Ozaki (Blademaster) by Freefall
Ch.12B Monster - Saraf (Berserker) by VelvetKitsune
Selena - Xihe (Blademaster) by VelvetKitsune
Vigarde - Kinsley (Marshall) by Taylor
Caellach - Yelena (Wyvern Lord) by Taylor
Valter - Ashe (Black Dragon) by Taylor
Orson - Phorde (Ranger) by MageHero21
Lyon - Darkhon (Swordmaster) by Omnifox999
Lyon (2) - Robin (Grandmaster) by amema003
Ch.18 Monster - Milton (Sorcerer) by TheEmeraldKing267
Ch.18 Monster (2) - Velle (Sage) by AnneEgge
Riev - Ganondorf (Conqueror) by KBRanger
Riev (2) - Callista (White Dragon) by Taylor
Morva - Sagumoto (Swordmaster) by Dex
Formortiis - Grado (Hero King) by ReturnOfTheBlackKnight
Glen - Nzeru (Silent Empress) by VelvetKitsune
Hayden - Nadia (Jöfurr) by Taylor
Fado - Sensara (Great Lord) by Taylor
Ismaire - Juna (Brigand) by Taylor
Mansel - Kaga (Bishop) by Omnifox999
Extra Character 1 (Ch. 15) - Olivia (Falcoknight) by Taylor
Extra Character 2 (Ch. 6) - Darwilyns (Archer) by jackofblades1991
Extra Character 3 (Ch. 10A) - Velvet (Ravager) by VelvetKitsune
Extra Character 4 (Ch. 12A/11B) - Ishara (Drider) by DATonDemand
Extra Character 5 (Ch. 4) - Limistella (Shaman) by Aswink
Extra Character 6 (Ch. 19) - Norcarna (Rosé Druid) by Ultimiter
Extra Character 7 (Ch. 15) - Razmataz (Swordmaster) by DATonDemand
Extra Character 8 (Ch. 13A/12B) - Ari (Grey Lord) by Ultimiter
Extra Character 9 (Ch. 8) - Iris (Mage Thief) by Ignis
Extra Character 10 (Ch. 5x) - Anissa (Mercenary) by Taylor
Extra Character 11 (Ch. 6) - Ethel (Lady) by amema003
Extra Character 12 (Ch. 9) - Jackson (Armor Mage) by amema003
Extra Character 13 (Ch. 7) - Xalbador (Viking) by TheEmeraldKing267
Extra Character 14 (Ch. 4) - Rosana (Cleric) by Taylor
Extra Character 15 (Ch. 5x) - Grant (Armor Lord) by Omnifox999
Extra Character 16 (Ch. 17) - Ishtar (Sentinel) by VelvetKitsune
Extra Character 17 (Ch. 4) - Spades (Skeleton Fencer) by PriestHelix
- Replaced Exia’s, Shiraha’s, Zalda’s, Edji’s and Delilah’s personal skills.
- Tweaked Linkle’s personal skill.
- Changed Guildmaster class skill.
- Gave Exia, Zalda, Edji, Delilah, Balthir and Sensara new level up skills.
- Changed Xiomara’s base class.
- Changed Zalda’s, Xiomara’s and Laresta’s promotion options.
- Updated Zalda’s description and Exia’s and Zalda’s death quotes.
- Gave descriptions to Apprentice, Oracle, Saint, Guildmaster, Villager, Lamia, Mint Dragon, Sunchaser, Trailblazer, Warlord, King, Dark Sorcerer and Void Sorcerer.
- Buffed base stats of Exia, Braddok, Amber and Eliza.
- Buffed base stats of Assassins and gave them access to bows.
- Gave Exia and Zalda new growths.
- Increased EXP gain of Exia, Delilah, Amber and Eliza.
- Added Blessed Blade, Aircalibur, Antares, Lifelight, Miracle Sword and Imperious.
- Buffed Fortresse (+4 Crit), Caladbolg (Nosferatu effect) and Jormungand (new skill).
- Reduced Nosferatu’s weight and made it unable to double.
- Removed Althome, Dire Flux and Lucky Sword.
- Changed Shiraha’s, Zalda’s, Laresta’s, Delilah’s and Amber’s starting inventories.
- Implemented Thracia-style Capture.
- Replaced Breeta’s personal skill.
- Changed Guildmaster class skill.
- Gave Intimidate and Malefic Aura to enemy monsters.
- Removed Ozaki’s Purge.
- Made Yue, Cwn Annwn, Alear and Zienfall start as player units.
- Gave a stat bonus to the Light Brand.
- Gave Alear a Pure Water.
- Increased EXP gain of the Gorgon class.
- Replaced Fado, Hayden and Glen.
- Gave Darkhon, Ganondorf, Ashe, Yelena and Xihe new growths.
- Added Radiant Bow and Book of Naga.
- Removed “Change Weapon During Target-Select” patch (conflicts with Capture).
- Fixed an issue with Hayden’s summon animation.
- Buffed summons.
- Made Sacrificial Aid consume HP.
- Fixed an issue with Fight to the Death.
- Fixed an issue with several weapon locks.
- Made a small adjustment to weapon descriptions.
- Made poison duration infinite.
- Added new staves.
- Increased Restore’s range.
- Changed the items Rune and Tharja come with in Chapter 15.
- Increased Xiomara’s base staff rank.
- Made Ricardo force-deployed in his joining chapter.
- Updated SkillSystem.
- Disabled durability display for unbreakable weapons.
- Made palettes for Rune, Exia, Ricardo, Alora and Xilian.
- Made Excalibur effective versus fliers.
- Increased uses of Warp and Hammerne.
- Made desert items acquisition guaranteed.
- Added a Hammer in Chapter 5.
- Increased Breeta’s base weapon rank so that she can use said Hammer.
- Replaced Chapter 14B Sorcerers with Dark Sorcerers.
- Made some small adjustments to page 1 of the Status Screen.
- Fixed Black Knight’s, Warlord’s and Harbinger’s AP.
- Replaced/tweaked some standing map sprites to reduce OAM consumption.
- Updated Tharja’s portrait and battle animations.
- Enabled trainee autopromotions.
- Implemented Tulli’s and Xandra’s dragon transformation.
- Recolored breaths and Edji’s Bloodborn Blade animation.
- Replaced sound 0x12C so that Annihilation doesn’t stop the music anymore.
- Enabled Weapon Skill Display.
- Modified Minimug Box to show skills.
- Fixed Silence status icon.
- Fixed issues with Malig Knight’s and Vanguard’s animations.
- Fixed an issue with Savage Blow.
- Fixed an issue with Alora’s level up skills.
- Nerfed Astra, Nine-Blade Firestorm and Black Eclipse.
- Reduced duration of status effects.
- Fixed a small display bug involving Gaiden Magic and Show Heal Amount.
- Fixed a small mishap with page 3 RText.
- Implemented Delilah’s negative luck growth.
- Updated L Button Cycling.
- Replaced bosses, Ismaire and Mansel.
- Added new weapons.
- Slightly buffed Mov of several mounted classes.
- Buffed Soldier class.
- Increased difficulty.
- Updated SkillSystem.
- Fixed an issue with Maelduin Bow animations.
- Changed Exia’s, Lenna’s, Sinclair’s, Ricardo’s and Ragnarok’s starting inventories.
- Gave Ortega, Alear and Black Knight new skills.
- Gave Guildmaster and Plague Doctor new class skills.
- Gave all mounted and flying units Canto+.
- Modified the terrain list of Nature Rush.
- Buffed Wrath’s effect.
- Modified Miracle threshold.
- Buffed base stats of Tharja, Lenna (Mag), Cwn Annwn (Lck), Eliza, Emerald and Balthir.
- Buffed base stats of Pegasus Knights, Falcoknights and Kinshi Knights.
- Renamed Axe Cavalier to Heavy Cavalier and gave them access to lances.
- Lowered the weapon rank requirement of certain weapons.
- Increased Luna’s accuracy, reduced its weight, and made it unable to crit or double.
- Increased Eclipse’s and Slim Lance’s accuracy.
- Made siege tomes unable to crit.
- Buffed Devil Axe.
- Increased Vulnerary uses.
- Removed weapon rank limit of unpromoted classes.
- Removed the limit of S-rank in multiple weapons.
- Increased base weapon rank of certain classes.
- Removed Shamshir’s lock.
- Fixed an issue with statboosters.
- Made Caladbolg usable by Exia.
- Updated the header of page 3 of the statscreen.
- Adjusted several classes bases.
- Raised stat caps.
- Increased Great Knight and Sonneteer Mov.
- Increased difficulty.
- Slightly increased Lenna’s Con.
- Increased Balthir base axe weapon rank.
- Fixed Sonneteer and Mint Dragon’s AP.
- Fixed an issue with Warp and animations on.
- Fixed another issue with IS using an event in both routes at the same time.
- Added Master Weapons, Flame Sword, Levin Sword, Elsurge, Thoron and Nova.
- Gave Lenna Gaiden Magic.
- Reorganized page 3 of the Status Screen.
- Installed a couple new patches.
- Removed fog in chapters 6, 11A, 11B, 19 and skirmishes (hopefully).
- Updated Change Weapon During Target-Select.
- Reworked promotion gains.
- Fixed Fog in chapters 11B and 19.
- Fixed an issue with Wo Gun and animations off.
- Fixed learned skills storage (hopefully).
- Made palettes for Amos, Kassandra and Eliza.
- Expanded convoy size and added combine function.
- Made Far Heal use healing music.
- Increased Mad King’s Con.
- Gave Warlord Berserker’s movement costs.
- Updated Siara’s portrait.
- Fixed Warlord’s animation.
- Fixed an issue in the ending event of the final chapter of Rune’s route.
- Updated SkillSystem.
- Implemented Raise the Flag.
- Adjusted the base Con of several magic-based Classes.
- Added Caladbolg to Siara’s inventory.
- Added an additional promotion for Summoner Siara.
- Gave a stat bonus to the Wind Sword.
- Buffed Fortresse’s Might.
- Lowered Xilian’s base level.
- Updated Ragnarok’s portrait.
- Added Caladbolg, Harmonic Lance, Wo Gun and Ruin.
- Added Archsage as a promotion for Sage Siara.
- Fixed an underflow bug involving Dragon’s Aura spd reduction.
- Made palettes for Beryl, Laresta and Hecate.
- Fixed Beam’s class.
- Fixed the softlock in chapter 10B.
- Fixed CwnAnnwn’s base level.
- Fixed Delilah’s recruitment (hopefully).
- Buffed Shaman bases.
- Removed a (probably) unnecessary essential fix that broke skirmishes.
- Gave all non-Prf swords ranged animations (since Delilah needs it).
- Fixed Observer level Cap.
- Gave unpromoted Ragnarok Scythe animations (she only had them in her promoted class).
- Increased Alear base weapon rank so that she can use her Light Brand.
- Fixed an issue with chapter 12B clear condition.
- Fixed an issue in chapter 13B due to the game trying to load Yue instead of Alear.
- Initial Release
- Replace the final map.
- Test Hard Mode.
- Adjust the list of skills nullified by Nihil.
- Fix some issues related to Gaiden Magic.
- Replace Chilliam’s personal skill.
- Add new classes’ descriptions (and modify some of the older ones).
- Make palettes for characters that don’t have one.
- Make Warp skill (currently display-only).
- Make Swipe work with full inventory.
- Make monster weapons unstealable.
- Make Emerald a miniboss in some chapter.
- Make the event where Ragnarok gets Galeforce.
- Make the events involving Merrin.
- Fix Hayden’s summon breath animation.
- Give Tulli and Juna a proper dance animation.
- Give Lenna magic animations.
- Give Balthir a proper death quote (currently use Syrene’s one with the mention to Vanessa removed).
- Doublecheck how all death quotes look.
- Doublecheck all events.
- Make Sol and Deadeye not trigger during Aether’s second hit and Astra extra hits.
- Make battle animation numbers properly reflect the effect of damage reduction skills.
- Give Ragnarok proper map sprites (Using Pirate/Berserker ones as placeholder).
- Give chapter 6 female enemies proper class cards.
- Modify dialogues to reflect changes.
- Fix a small issue involving Blossom.
- Fix a small display bug involving Gaiden Magic and Canto.
- Fix a display bug involving Supply/List and Weapon Skill Display.
- Fix a small display bug involving Obstruct.
- Decide what I’m going to do with supports.
Tierlist maker: