4 errors when trying to set a village in fe builder

I’ve been attempting to hack fe8 for about a week now, but no matter what happens, it seems four or more errors are appearing. I followed along with markyjoe’s creating chapters in fe builder video, but despite following to a tee, I still get these errors or more of them. I even copy pasted all the data from villages in chapter 2 and 6, but to no avail. Honestly, it’s quite frustrating. I’ve reset the rom to base, I’ve reloaded my save, everything. When I load into my map, if I complete any action the game crashes.

excuse the phone image.

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I would recommend joining the Discord, or send a Report7z to 7743 in the FEBuilder thread.(I think that’s how you do it in the forums, I’m more use to people asking for help in the Discord x3)

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That’s fair. I had been using r/fireemblen discord but they said to come here. So there is an feu discord? Also, nice mym lol

Yes there is a FEU discord.

Ye Mym good girl, lol