2024 FEU Hack Awards [VOTING CLOSED]

Hello and Welcome to the 2024 Fire Emblem Hack Awards!
:partying_face: :tada:THE FEU :trophy: HACK AWARDS :partying_face: :tada:

LINK TO THE ROUND ONE VOTING: https://forms.gle/w13snwF2JDbqxktP9

In February 2025, we’ll come together to celebrate the incredible achievements of the Fire Emblem hacking community throughout 2024. This event isn’t just an awards show—it’s a tribute to the creativity, passion, and dedication that have brought so many amazing projects to life over the past year.

The FEU Hack Awards is all about honoring the stories that moved us, the gameplay that kept us on the edge of our seats, and the innovations that redefined fan game design. It’s a night dedicated to you—the creators, players, and artists who make this community so vibrant and inspiring.

We’ll highlight the standout projects of the year, announce the award winners, and feature trailers for exciting hacks coming in 2025. Whether you’re here to support your favorites, discover something new, or simply celebrate the community’s hard work, this event is all about the shared love of this incredible craft.

The FEU Hack Awards is a community-driven event—there’s no panel of judges here! Instead, you will be voting for the nominees and winners.

Here’s the voting process:

  1. Round 1 [December 1st]: Vote for up to three different hacks in each category.
  2. Round 2 [December 14th]: The top five hacks in each category will advance as the final nominees. You’ll vote again to decide the winners.
  3. Final Results [February 2025]: Once all votes are in, we’ll tally them to determine the winners.

With the amazing support of the wonderful Trikki Nikki, we’ll present the results in a video announcement featuring special guests and trailers for upcoming hacks in 2025!

This thread is open for questions, comments, and concerns about the show—I’m happy to clarify or assist however I can!


Been really excited to starting sharing this with everyone! Just want to add, I know it can be easy to focus on winning or losing, or getting the most nominations, or generally being concerned with getting recognition, and I understand that, but I’d ask that everybody try to stay away from that mindset. Speaking for myself, I want this event to be about celebrating what we’ve managed to accomplish, fostering discussion, learning from mistakes, and growing as creators. As long as we can do that, I think this’ll be a fun time for everybody! At the very least, this seems like it’s worth a shot, and it’s a great time to try with so many amazing contenders this year.

I may or may not add in another post later discussing my opinion who I personally would like to nominate, haven’t decided if I have any I particularly want push for yet. Either way, looking forward to seeing where this goes. Have fun everybody!


Why are the nominees only for the 2024 hacks? Does this mean we can nominate anyone for the community MVP or the most anticipated hack? If so, how would this even work?


I imagine the same way nominations for categories like Favorite Villain or Supporting Character would have to be done: a write-in vote. As for why it’s only 2024, isn’t that how this sort of thing usually works for each year?


All good questions!

Soeme categories will be a write in vote including the community MVP award. I should add that in the category notes, thank you for reminding me!

Like most award shows, only the hacks that came out this year will be in consideration. This show dedicated to highlighting and celebrating the hacks that came out this year!

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Yeah I meant for the “most anticipated” category. There should be nominees for this as well.

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The most anticipated category will also be a write in. I don’t really have time to write down every upcoming hack that’s being worked on unfortunately. I do see where you are coming from though, I’ll make sure to add some more clarification in the categories document. Thanks Jey!

Damn now we are getting romhack games awards, what an amazing years :star_struck:
very excited to see it going and whish best of luck to every nominees !

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Can I win?


Excited to see this outlive the VGAs just like FEE3 outlived actual E3!


You’ve always been a winner :trophy:

The true winners are the friends we made along the way.


I can confirm. All my friends win in my eyes😊


I’m gonna write in @Ysor as my best community member, is he actually it? No, is it absolutely fuckin funny if bro wins? Drunk? YES!! Absolutely, everybody vote for @Ysor!!


Ordinary I wouldn’t condone this kind of thing but I have a soft spot for community events. I don’t think I’ll win but I appreciate the endorsement. If I do win however, I’ll go back to play-testing. Maybe even streaming in FEUcord.


maybe you should stream before that so I actually vote for you lmao

how do i vote

Voting for I’ll start December 1st and will be done using google forms.


LINK TO ROUND ONE VOTING: https://forms.gle/w13snwF2JDbqxktP9

First Round of Voting Details

The first round of voting for the FE Hack Awards kicks off on December 1st and will run until the start of Sunday, December 14th. During this round, you can nominate up to three hacks per category, helping to determine which projects will move on to the final voting phase.

Some hacks may not be eligible for certain categories due to specific criteria. To streamline voting, categories will feature either:

  1. Multiple Choice Prompts – Pre-selected lists of eligible hacks for you to choose from.
  2. Short Answer Prompts – Where you can write in your nominations when a pre-selected list isn’t available.

We understand that many haven’t played all the hacks nominated for this year. If you’ve only played a handful, you’re welcome to vote based on the few you have played! Remember, this is just for fun! :slight_smile:

The results of the first round of voting will be made public on December 14th, when the second round of voting begins.

Voting Process Disclaimer
While we’ve worked hard to create a fair and engaging voting process for the FE Hack Awards, we acknowledge that it may not be perfect. This is a community-driven event, and we’re always open to feedback on how things can be improved for future iterations.


Additional Announcement

I forgot to mention that we’d love to have creators send us clips or footage of their hacks to feature in the Award Show Video! This is entirely optional, but we wanted to give creators the opportunity to showcase their work in an even more exciting way.

Additionally, we’re looking for volunteers to help record gameplay footage of some of these hacks. If you’re interested in helping out, please don’t hesitate to message me on FEU or Discord.

Thanks so much for your support, and have a wonderful night! :tada: