Blazing Renaissance ~ Planning

i actually have marc on my skype contact list but im not sure if he would be intrested. i would personaly be intrested in map desing and graphicsing.

I’d be up for balancing, along with the as-needed writing.

Lmao what; I’m not in for mapping, eventing, or balancing?
Wow, truly shocked there.

Well, I mean, you never said anything, and I don’t want to feel like I’m pushing anyone in. But I’ll add you in for them then.

I figured this was some kind of collective list, not a “jump in an enter” sort of thing(since most if not all of us I thought were going to be involved with FireShell). At least this clears up why @CT075 isn’t listed either for anything…

So I’ve basically been meditating in a forest these past two days, and will be doing so until I return to civilization on Monday.

But that never stops me from getting some work done. Updated chapter goals concepts:

Theseus Mode:

  • Prologue: Surround enemies
  • Chapter 1: Arrive/Kill fewer than 20 enemies (can we get a goal window kill counter maybe?)
  • Chapter 2: Capture boss (Pi did capturing so maybe)
  • Chapter 3: Seize all
  • Chapter 4:
  • Chapter 5: Defeat 50 enemies

Aderyn Mode:

  • Prologue: Defend villages
  • Chapter 1: Escape
  • Chapter 2: Sabotage supplies (similar to FE10’s, maybe with enemy convoys?)
  • Chapter 3: Rescue “Jorah” (temporary name)
  • Chapter 4: Recruit 30 soldiers/Restock
  • Chapter 5: Defeat 50 enemies

There are essentially three characters are set-in-stone, and then I was figuring we’d pad out the casts (about 10 units per mode + utilizing generics) with communal character submissions.

Ooh! I like it.

“(can we get a goal window kill counter maybe?)”

Uhm, when the time comes, I’ll take a look at the asm that handles the “Defeat enemy: XX remaining” and alter that.

“Capture boss (Pi did capturing so maybe)”

Linky link?

"Chapter 5: Defeat 50 enemies

Complete bloodbath. I like it. Though you might have to attach a death quote to the generics to fire off an event that runs an asm routine that counts. And I need to isolate a byte in RAM to keep a counter. Or we use the event IDs like bits and run a routine once we fill up a certain combination of them(I did that once; it was a clutter of IFETs but it works)

“Chapter 4: Recruit 30 soldiers/Restock”

Ditto as above.

So, I just thought of something cool you could do: three-way battles.

How it would work is that there’d be two separate factions you’d face on the map. Let’s call them A and B.

On player phase of every turn, A and B are both enemies.

On enemy phase, all of B changes to the NPC side. Now A can attack both your forces and B’s.

On Other phase, A changes to NPC and B changes to Enemy, allowing them to attack you or A. Then on your phase, A would turn back to Enemy and the cycle would repeat.

I don’t know how tactically interesting a chapter like that would be, but it could be fun for a one-off.

Two comments on that

  1. Tactics wise, the AI sucks, so you just turtle up as best you can and let the two factions kill each other. Though we can fix that with smart reinforcements and such.
  2. During the other phase the other units move. Meaning faction A just gets two turns; B wouldn’t get to move. Unless we can figure out how to jack P4’s turn from the link arena, I don’t see this as feasible.

Oh yeah, didn’t think about 2). I wonder if making the player units into enemies for the Other phase would break anything?

Ideally you’d give the player something to go for so they can’t wait out the AI.

I’ll volunteer for graphics hacking (statsheet, battle frame, maps, etc) Note that I don’t sprite, I just do the hacking aspect but yeah, if you’ll have me I’d be happy to help :smiley:

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I feel like there’s definitely some potential there, with a properly designed chapter. I know that FE7x uses the gray “other” units as units that can attack Allies, NPCs, and Enemies, so if we had a full implementation of that faction for non-arena gameplay, it would open up a lot of possibilities (and avoid awkward allegiance changes - it’s a decent workaround though).

@Arch mentioned me above on possibly helping with eventing. I’d happily do any grunt work or whatever for that if you’d want me. Though, I do feel that I’d only be good for the base event work. I’ve only been doing this for a little more than one and a half years. >…>

I’ll put you down for Nightmare-editing/Balancing and Eventing, then, I guess.

Already got the source for the counting mechanism written up, actually - tied to a generic death quote. But yeah, that kill counter would come in handy here too. That way we’re using it both ways (for a “don’t massacre” and a “bloodbath”).

Currently these are the “goal window” values:

0x00 None (Seize goals)
0x01 Number of enemies
0x02 Turn number
0x03 None (Defeat Boss goals)
0x04 None (Special goals)

Those two recurring “nones” are pretty pointless - a kill counter (and possibly an “escaped units” counter?) could just replace one of those values being read.

It’s just occurred to me that we have the exact same number of chapters as FE4… FE4 music anyone?

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Yesz. At least for the player musics. Just jotting down notes.

Theseus Mode:

  • Prologue: FE4 Chapter 3
  • Chapter 1: FE4 Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2: FE4 Chapter 4
  • Chapter 3: FE4 Chapter 8
  • Chapter 4: FE4 Chapter 7
  • Chapter 5: FE4 Chapter 5

Aderyn Mode:

  • Prologue: FE4 Prologue
  • Chapter 1: FE4 Chapter 9
  • Chapter 2: FE4 Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3: FE4 Chapter 10
  • Chapter 4: FE4 Chapter 6
  • Chapter 5: FE4 Final Chapter
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i’m around for moral support but when it comes to actual hacking tasks i think you guys are better off relying on the wizards who are actually good at this thing than some 17 year old kid

I think I forgot to mention I am also a 17 year old kid :O?

i was actually referring to you

well okay you guys should rely on the 17 year old who actually knows what he’s doing

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