Yune Randomization fun

Lundgren doesn’t actually want to rule he just wants to be the prettiest.

Also I wonder,would anyone be interested in seeing this speific’s randomization’ growth rates or switches? Or any other randomization’s growths? Yune makes a html file to explain each randomization’s changes. Right down to what changed about generic units.

I don’t believe you Karel.
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Karel laughing is scary.

I think Hawkeye is adopted guys.

Lundgren is fabulous. His palette actually kind of works with Serra.
Karelyn and Canas(Just Canas. No change.)
And finally stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
Hawkiwood, his “mother”, and Isarla walk into a cutscene–

It’s kind of amazing how palettes work in these randomizations. I mean some are sunburnt dragons and others are near perfect fits while some are nightmares.

Nino trades her est status for a Jegin status. But she can heal. So she is instantly the most useful one in my eyes.
Oswin is like my 5th mage in this randomization. I know I like magic users but at this rate I’ll have no physical fighters or tomes. It doesn’t help Hawkeye is also a mage.

Hey Erk! Thank goodness you’re a fighter.

Hey Wil! A solider. And the best Peg Knight ever Lowen.
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Listen I know those bases are terrible for Wil but the game made him an Est and gave him an infinite use heavy lance and a lance with plus 5 skill. So for me at least he is turning out fine.

Also Unless this dude’s wife had purple hair I think Erk is adopted too.

So I play chapters ahead of time of me posting screenshots mostly because I forget while playing.
First off Eirk was an asshole cause the game made him a sage with an overpowered tome and no one could beat him so I had to downgrade his weapon to have a chance.

But it turns out since Raven uses a sword in Vanilla FE7 they didn’t account for whoever Raven is being able to attack the soliders inside the cell.
They also didn’t take into account the idea whoever is in Lucius second’ slot might one shot Raven’s slot. Aka the one you need to get the other.

Listen I never said the randomizers were balanced.


Yune is definitely a really awesome tool, and the fact that it can randomize palettes WITHOUT them looking like garbage is really quite amazing.

I’ve probably done several complete runs and so far, other than a few quirks, they’ve all been amazingly fun, and the large amount of options in the randomizer gives a lot of flexibility in terms of challenge runs and fun runs.

Even better is how user-friendly and simple the options are, too.

For sure!
And yeah they’re all fun minus like the impossible Eirk,but that was once out of a whole randomized hack.
And the fact it can give a lot of details on the changes including growth rates and the new classes of enemies means you can plan properly instead of complete trial and error.

I think the personality swaps are my favorite so far. (not all from the same randomization)

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Oh hey I haven’t posted here in forever.
Basically my grandpa was dying and then died which threw me into a depression(that I’m not even sure I’m out of specially with family issues but Listen I feel like doing things again so I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth.

So have some screenshots from the Legult as Lyn run which I’ve been recently trying to balance. Tbh making his or Karel’s randomized game into a full hack could be fun. At the very least I’m learning more from comparing and tweaking with these.

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Lovely Wallace has been part of my Balancing issues. Specially since his weapon broke because it was over 64 uses.
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Only one of these people is actually here.

Well at least it’s something.

I love how wallace is literally the soldierbois-meme.

I’m not. I literally couldn’t get him to level at all and he dies to anything. Which isn’t bad when it’s enemies for free exp but when hes a player character before you can leave people out? Annoying. I’m going to have to boost that def at the least.

I decided to make a brand new one. Guess which 3 are the main characters of Lyn’s story(Tbh why do I always start with hers? Guess cause it’s the first part story wise)
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Horse boys.
Minus the Horses.
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(I forgot to screenshot sain’s level 1 shush)

Guess whose the shy one this time.
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Tbh it would be cool seeing Hector fly down from the heavens with his axe,but he’s a theif.
Listen if Hector stepped on your friend you should just be glad they lived.

Hey Wallace is something useful! At least to kill anyone who comes to close to money giving village.
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and a cool outfit.

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