Why am I instantly being sent to the map?

In FE8, after changing some unit’s data (Eirika, Lute, and Ross to be specific), for whatever reason, whenever I try to start the prologue, the game’s stuck on a black screen for a while before immediately sending me to the world map.

(I guess also note that I don’t have a chapter objective set or a boss, so I guess that may play into it… And if you need to know to help me, I set the option that turns off World Map transitions to, well, turn off the world map transition between chapters.)

If you only edited character data I’m not certain how that sends you to world map without looking at the events and flags.

Create a Report7z (File → Create Report issue) and post your issue in the main thread here: FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Thank you for the help! If you wouldn’t mind also pointing me to which flags I should look out for, that would be greatly appreciated too.

It really depends on how the chapter was edited. The default for base FE8 is flag 2 for defeat boss flag. If that flag is on it calls the end chapter event (in the prologue case when O’neil dies it turns the flag on). But if I recall the default end chapter event does not take you instantly to the world map, however.

If it’s happening when you enter the prologue perhaps you have a “Goto next chapter with world map” somewhere. I’m basically just speculating at this point. It’s difficult to say what it could be without actually looking at it.

Posting your issue with the report7z in the thread I linked in my previous post will be your best bet to get it looked at and the problem resolved by much more knowledgeable folks than me.

Well, your words still helped me out there. Thank you again! And I’ll make the report.