Sme’s ASM and Miscellany

Does this replace the old EA?

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I can’t believe Event Assembler.exe is back in 2021, what timeline is this

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The functionality of EA comes from the Core application which is separate from the GUI application; ColorzCore replaces the Core such that the old GUI application doesn’t work with it, this is a replacement for that part that does work with it

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To elaborate on EA:

  • Core.exe is from pre-2014, along with event assembler 9 and the old EventAssembler.exe
  • This can disassemble events, but is outdated otherwise.
  • ColorzCore.exe is a complete rewrite of core.exe that includes the source code and bug fixes. It’s used for event assembler 10 & 11.
  • There was no ColorzEventAssembler.exe for a gui, so Sme wrote one.

I joined last year, but that’s what I’ve gathered on EA, anyway :sweat_smile:

This happened when I tried to insert the Free Movement event with the Event Assembler. This didn’t happen when I tried inserting the Aum Staff. Did I do something wrong? Please tell me.

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If you read the error report you’ll see you’re missing the ProcDefinitions.txt file. Judging by the tags, I guess it’d be this file:


Thank you! I totally missed that, how embarrasing.


Hello ! I’m a noob who have FEBuilder, and I want to know how to have the holyblood and the valkyrie staff please ?

It’s possible but not recommended to use the ItemEffectRevamp for Valkyrie staff in febuilder or editing ModularStatScreen for Holy Blood in feb.

If you use these features, 7743 won’t be able to help you debug any report7z’s you have related to the features or to skillsystems. You’d also have to manage the code yourself, which is harder to do in feb than in a buildfile.

These hacks are designed for a buildfile, so while they are possible to use in feb, it would be a substantial undertaking on your part, @Gravity, so I don’t recommend it.



Thanks for the quick reply ! I’m disappointed because I find febuilder very easy. And what is a buildfile ?

See the Getting Started thread - it mentions Febuilder Vs Buildfiles. The most commonly used base for a buildfile is the skill systems one found on github.

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Thank you again! And last question, if for example I add the Holy blood on a buildfile ROM and then I use this ROM on Febuilder, will my modifications work?

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Yes, it should work. It could potentially cause some weirdness, but I don’t think that it would.

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Ok, Thanks for all the reply !

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Yes, but the following still applies:

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I see. Let’s admit then that I have already begin a Febuilder ROM hack and that I use this ROM into buildfile : Will there be the same problem?

You use a clean, unedited rom when working with a buildfile. You just save your changes to it in files to be processed on the rom when you hit makehack. You shouldn’t use an edited rom as a base.


A newer, more polished version of Free Movement by @Mokha can be found here.


Hi, just wanted to report an odd interaction with Fatigue and Escape that I noticed while testing. After an Escape objective map, all units have their fatigue refreshed whether they were deployed or not. I’d guess this is due to them leaving the map, but I’m not sure how to fix it beyond manually setting the unit’s deployed state.


I didn’t really do much during 2021 there, huh? Let’s try to fix that a bit.

[ASM] Alphabetical Unit Sort (FE8)

In the Unit menu (that I don’t think anyone I’ve met actually uses let alone knows that there’s a sorting feature in), sorting units by Name will sort by the order determined by the “Unit Sort Order” byte on the character table and not the actual name of the unit. So, I took it upon myself to fix this grievous error that greatly impacts the gameplay experience. Now, sorting by Name will actually sort names alphabetically, both forward and in reverse.

Press Up on the Unit screen to select the column to sort by.


To install, just #include AlphabeticalSort.event. This won’t conflict with anything else, unless you too have written and are already using a different custom name sort function for some reason.