(OLD) FE7Lex Project Legacy Version

also, where can i find the latest version? because i’m pretty sure isn’t the latest anymore because i got that last year (i think) and i don’t know what would the difference be between the newest and what i have now.

The new version is hosted on a different site. Here’s the link:

This one has graphical editors for most things so you don’t need to mess around with text files anymore.

In terms of new possibilities, I’m playing with a lot of the new engine code to implement a mod options menu that appears when you start a new game file. This will allow players to toggle different features on and off for different save files such as branching promotion, skill system, per-chapter weapon durability, and a ton more.

so with pertaining to the weapon durability option, would one of the options be to set it at unlimited? because that would be rather sweet. i never did like the durability limit in fire emblem weapons all that good (and also in pokemon for that matter also)

I can do that. I would likely want to package that together with stat revisions for weapons as a “Fates-style Weapons” mod. Otherwise it’s going to turn into a Silver Sword fest. :smiley:

*Edit: anyone can feel free to let me know if they have a request for mod options that could be toggled on or off when starting a new game file. I will see what I can do to include them.

question, i was wondering if i am able to put all the custom units i created into this new version. when i looked at the data files for this, it is not how the old game maker engine looked like. i may just have to have some help navigating and also i wonder if all the skills from the old engine are still here like reinforce. i have a special set up for that ability in the old style and now i’m wondering if i would have to do that all over or if i can simply transfer the data over

You’re right: it’s all been heavily restructured in the new engine. You can see why I’ve needed to remake everything. I think you can import your previous data files for units and such, but they will need to be revised after importing. You should definitely check out the Lex Talionis Discord channel. It has lots of helpful folks who can give advice:

good thing i did not completely trash my previous version i downloaded before first getting the new engine, lol.

i remember downloading this a while back and my reaction then is literally unchanged to now, i was confused on how to transfer my data into it that it be unchanged.

thank you for the discord link for the folks, notwithstanding i would like to ask you, what do you think might have to be tinkered with in order for it to work?

also, question, have you ever thought of the idea of having the laguz from fe 8 and 9 and the monsters from fe 8 battle it out with their respective “weapons”?

If you get on the Discord, send me a PM and I’ll see if I can help you out with transferring your old data to the new engine.

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hey does the arena work to grind exp

Hello… this hack just have playing in x64? I can’t play in x86?

it s normal that the download doesn t work?

This is the old version of the project. The new one is linked at the top of the original post here. I’ve renamed the thread and deleted the outdated download link to prevent confusion.

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