OC Emblem [COMPLETE, 25/25 Chapters]

I have to say i like the mc, purple, cute, magic user. just perfect :stuck_out_tongue:
there are some interesting tools in this hack like the hookshot for one.

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Based. Hope you have fun! :smiley:

I’m currently hard at work on the sequel to OC Emblem. Sadly, it’s been a very, very painful and tedious process; albeit far less of a headache than I feared. Still, it’s quite time-consuming and all the data management can get mind-numbing after extended periods of progress. Slow and steady, if somewhat sisyphean. (I’m so tired aaaaaaaaaa)

This has been me for the past week or so.


Are there plans to complete the supports?


Maybe, depends on if I can get inspired to write more. No guarantees though.


What can we do to inspire you to write more support?

The only thing I find a little odd is that some of the shown heights are in metric and some are imperial (feet’inches)

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Characters with their height listed in metric (aka based) units were mostly created by me or my best friend, while characters with their heights listed in feet/inches (aka not based) units were mostly created by my other friends. Salazar (and by extension, Safira) is the exception to this, as he was originally conceived as an American character. (also fun fact: I got the idea for his character from a dream I had back in early 2019)


Oh thanks for clearing it up and Ii agree metric is better.

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A Character Link with a famous game series is in this Hack and he Looks Beautiful

a man wearing a tie and a watch is laughing with his mouth open


put that in a spoiler pls

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Should I blur only the picture or the texr too?

both would be best but yeah in general it be nice not to enter a thread and having future characters or something thrown into my face xD


My Little Manok has grown up big and strong.