@dancer_A Manages this account.
Basic rules:
-Make a new map that adheres to the basic guidelines of the contest round(IE don’t just dig up an old one you made please)
-You can enter in either option for the round (or both so you choose)
-Do not use any tileset outside of the one provided (depends on the round requirements though)
-Don’t just use a computer-generated map (although I can’t always tell if anyone used one, but for the sake of the craft I guess don’t? It’d be pretty lame dude)
-PM your map submissions directly to @MISTER_MAPS
-Idk drink a Dr Pibb
Feel free to use this topic to discuss ideas, ask questions, etc, but please refrain from actually posting a submission; I will be doing that in a voting topic once the due date is met.
Map Creator - One of the easiest to use programs for making maps. I believe the download includes all of the GBA tilesets right from the start
Tiled - Similar to the Map creator, most notable for it’s layer feature and can be utilized in ROM hacks easier due to the creation of map changes right in the same file.
Past Rounds:
Round 13
13: Hold Back the River
Option 1:
There are a few tiles in vanilla fe that either are used once or possibly never, but yet are included on the tilesets themselves. The challenge is to use them.
The task is to use at least 2 of the 6 tiles shown above. Palette is up to you. When submitting, just include a snippet where you have the tiles highlighted or circled.
Option 2:
Keeping in theme with rivers, the task is to re-create a map that is infamous for its river: FE10 CH3-6
Here is your reference map. Intentionally vague image to let your imagination fill in the details.
Due Date: November 20th, 2021
Round 14
14: Kingslayer
Option 1:
The goal is to use the Sacae Castle tileset, another seldomly used tileset, and to expand on it as much as you’d like. The only required tile is the throne.
Option 2:
Remake Chapter 4-F from Gaiden
Remember, use your imagination, it does not need to be a 1:1 recreation (and is encouraged not to)
Here is your reference map. Tbh gaiden’s maps are already fairly barebones so this works as an abstract to look at.
Due Date: December 4th, 2021
Current Round:
15: Sacred Springs
Option 1:
Use this 5x5 section in your map submission. The tileset and size are up to you, as long as this section can be clearly identified. Custom tiles, as always, are fair game.
You get a cookie for being able to recognize it.
Option 2:
Remake Chapter 13 from Awakening.
Remember, use your imagination, it does not need to be a 1:1 recreation (and is encouraged not to be)
Here is your reference map.
Due Date: December 18th, 2021