Is the end near?

From what I’ve seen of this, it seems that Nintendo is the hardest on leaks (because duh) and TAS (because TAS = rom for some reason, even though I believe one could hypothetically feed instructions to a console and TAS a game that way). Anyone remember that time one of the pairs of Pokémon games was released in Japan and Nintendo went after western sites for having information on the games because they were still unreleased in the west? Sites got cease-and-desisted for writing about a game that had already been released (and seeing that they’re Pokémon fans, many of those site owners likely owned an imported copy of the game themselves). That’s mind-boggling in a world where the internet exists and everyone knows everything that is everywhere almost instantly. I’m honestly surprised that there are so many “FE: if walkthrough” videos in YT’s related videos whenever I watch Fire Emblem stuff.
For that reason, I don’t expect Nintendo to get any more backlash than they ever have gotten from stuff like this. Their reputation is unfortunately rock-solid and the most they have to fear is being known as stingy copyright trolls amongst people who play games on the internet.
… If they do get backlash, though, it will be nice to see them actually do something aside from trying to push the issue out of the spotlight.

@MCProductions you would need to make a video player (using Flash or whatever is the new thing these days) to do that. Otherwise, you’d have to download whatever anyone uploaded, which would be the same as putting a video file on Dropbox.

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Oh, yes, I remember that pokemon one. Pokebeach’s admin got really pissy and replaced all the images of the new pokemon he had with ditto lol

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On a only slightly related note, I wonder how each of the 2016 presidential contenders would treat a Disney lobbying effort to extend copyright laws again for Mickey Mouse. It’s actually a pretty big deal, since based on their history, they will start lobbying around 2018, 5 years before the 2023 deadline. We seriously need for a presidential candidate to resist their copyright extensions, it affects the very fabric of supposed ‘freedom’ this nation is built on and especially affects the videogaming community. Videogames have only been around 30 years and at minimum, it will be another 65 before Pac-man and other of the earliest games enter public domain. If Disney successfully increases that time again, and again, and again, this means emulators for the earliest games will keep being illegal, forever.

While it’s probably not going to reflect much on my channel, like at all, I’m still going to be on the safe side for a bit, until this whole thing blows over.

I’m just gonna make something to replace my FE4 LP for a little while.