Implementing a con growth in GBA games?[Sort of in progress]

Hey guys.

I don’t believe this has been asked before, but is there any way to implement a con growth rate into the game? I phail at coding and stuff so I don’t know how to check myself, but con does appear as a stat upon leveling up, so I thought that it MIGHT be possible…

Alternatively, is there anyway to change the equation for attack speed?

I tried asking this on Serenes, and it was suggested to ask this here, as this is where all of the hacking wizards live.


I don’t believe this has been asked before, but is there any way to
implement a con growth rate into the game? I phail at coding and stuff
so I don’t know how to check myself, but con does appear as a stat upon
leveling up, so I thought that it MIGHT be possible…

The problem is that the chunk of character data that stores the growth rates, probably doesn’t have space allocated to store a con growth rate, because they didn’t need it. There might be a spare byte somewhere that could be used for that purpose, I’d have to check (or ask someone who’s looked at it more closely).

is there anyway to change the equation for attack speed?

Check out the modular battle system, I think it can do that. If not, it should still be fairly easy ASM work, once the existing code is found (and I suspect we already know where it is, but I’m not the person to ask for that kind of thing).

It can but modular battle’s code is so freaking badly organized. However, from it I’m isolating edited, compressed version of vanilla routines to make modding easier. So yeah, I can edit it really quickly/easily. More relevant (and my /real/ magnum opus) is [Charting the Battle Stat Computations][1]. I really just need to ctrl+f for ASPD and edit the routine that shows up.
[1]:[FE7] Charting the Battle Stat Computations

Edit: I did that and it’s here
080289C4 F000F8D0 bl #0x8028B68