How to import new instruments into FE8?

I’m trying to add in a song to my hack but i want the original instruments (if possible)
How can I do that? febuilder only allows to import .instrument files and i can only get SF2/DLS ones.

I’m messing around with music myself too, and the only other way besides original .instruments files is if you have .wav files, on the same area in FEbuilder music editor, with the instruments list, you can import them using the ‘Import WAV’ button.

You should be able to find .wav instruments online in other websites. Otherwise, if you are good with sound editing, you can even record your own instruments using a program like Audacity, convert it to .wav then import in FEBuilder, same process.

Welcome to FEUniverse too. :star:

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Is there a way to like, take each instrument from a sf2/dls file and export it into an .instrument file?

and if i go the .wav method what should i be doing exactly? I managed to export full songs with .wav but that obviously takes a lot of space, so i’m guessing I have to record each instrument as a .wav file.

So about sf2/dls files I’m not sure myself, since I’m pretty new in romhacking too.

But the .wav files yeah, since the instruments are very simple ‘single notes’ it would be significantly lighter on the space than trying to import a .wav music directly.
And when you go to the instrument list & replace one of them (your best bet is the ‘Dummy’ instruments on the list; all of them are that one sharp midi noise since they don’t have any sound file actually), FEBuilder itself can compress the .wav files for you in a new window.

Other than that, your best bet to learn more would be to checkout the guides in here about music insertion, these two right here should help you with what you are looking for: