How to change the stat screen? (FE8)

As far as I understand it either redefine them or remove them, yeah. Errors like Symbol SS_TalkText isn't in scope mean that you’re going to want to find everywhere in your files that referes to SS_TalkText and remove them, yeah.

At a glance it looks like every “Symbol isn’t in scope” error you have can be solved by just deleting anything that refers to those parameters, all of them are tied to skill system stuff. If it feels like you’re deleting a LOT of stuff, that means you’re doing it correctly lol. Just be careful when removing things about brackets, ALIGN 4 declarations, and if statements, as if you remove part of it / the wrong one you’ll likely get crashes or errors when you go to compile.


Of those I think you only need the rtext loop and the SS_TalkRText (which is just a text id such as 0x9DF)

If you dl the skillsys buildfile and use notepad++ to Find In Files the RTextLoop, you could probably make it work.

Since this has been going on for some days, why don’t you share the .ups and what you’ve done with your installer/mss and I’ll take a look at it maybe tomorrow sometime. No promises that it’ll work

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