Fire Emblem: The Dragon Herald (103.3% Complete FE8 Hack)

Hello, I’m new to playing the game, and I been wondering what the growth rates are for the characters since I can’t seem to view them like some other hacks I have played.

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Yo, thanks for playing! If you look at the README.txt in the dropbox, you can scroll down close to the bottom where it says ‘Appendix’ and there’s a link to a google doc with the growth rates. As mentioned, there are potential spoilers within.


Well, I just beat Chapter 2 and I was wondering if I got everyone so far. If not, who did I miss and how do I get them?
FE Dragon Herald-1

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Pretty sure that’s everyone after Chapter 2.

Okay. I was wondering because there was a name on the growth chart that came before the characters that join in Chapter 3. I think the name was Alto.

So… I talked to the Chapter 3 boss with Hartmann and had him face the boss in combat. Was something special supposed to happen after that other than dialogue?

No, that’s all that happens for the end of Chapter 3.

Ah, okay, good to know.

Okay, I got the first promotion items in the game and here are the stats of my two favorite units so far, Should I promote them both now or wait til Rona has some more levels for her, and if I promote them, what class would you recommend? I know Vanguard has 6 move and access to Bows, but GK has 7 move and Canto.
As for Rona’s classes, I know you made it so only Snipers can access ballista, but Assassin seems to fix what I saw was a problem stat for her that I’m very lucky in for her, Speed.
FE Dragon Herald-2
FE Dragon Herald-3

Hey man, I like all promotion paths equally (I did two test runs and if I promoted someone twice, I used different branches both times). But hot damn that’s a speed-blessed Rona like wow.

I know. It seems Rona must love me, since she has been getting speed more often than not so far, and I’m considering promoting her.

Here are the promotion options I went with.
FE Dragon Herald-4 FE Dragon Herald-5

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Well, here are the stats for Byrd, Rona, and Lorelei in Chapter 9 preps. I gave Lorelei an Energy Ring at the start of the previous chapter.FE Dragon Herald-8 FE Dragon Herald-9 FE Dragon Herald-11

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The Dragon Herald-1

My You happens to be really strength screwed. This is right before completing Chapter 10.

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w e w, hot damn

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She does seem to have pretty good speed though

I’d say give You the energy ring if you hadn’t already given it to someone.

helo, thank for the hack really enjoy it, just want to ask if u still update it or it already totally finish?

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It’s more or less done. If someone digs up a bad bug I’ll fix it up though. Thanks for playing!

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