Fire Emblem: The dark hour. Hard Mode available. Complete

  1. Sometimes the unit moving animation tends to bug out but fixes itself over time.
  2. It is actually impossible to promote Ryan. (unless you cheat.)
  3. The 1 gold don’t have a sale value so it can’t be sold nor dropped. (Why you play an old file? Bruh)
  4. Master scroll is supposed to boost skill but sometimes it doesn’t do it for certain units. (example. class types.) (Don’t know why.)
  5. EXP gain is tied to class tier and level. So it is going to come in at a fast rate if lower than enemy.
  6. The crystals in ch.17 are not the trap variants. The ones in ch.18 serve as a defense for the shrine.

I think u shd remove the shxx skill from the dragon corpses… wtf 12 durablity of great sword wasted on that dude (imagine a chain of astra and crits getting nullified) and frejia attacked that dude for three turns still not dead wtf

and I think I saw some eggs somehow losing hp
(can u not give a snecko double berserk staff?)
and the animations bug still here

yup I don’t wanna play through 3 acts again so I used old save (nvm the storage, benched units=storage

maybe make master scroll same kind as iron guard?

So going into chapter 18, my convoy got corrupted. Tons of swords that don’t do anything, tons of monster weapons, and apparently I already have the dark tome that I was sent to the temple to retrieve, and some other one that I’m presuming will belong to the final boss. Fortunately the lance/axe/anima/light categories (which is mostly what I’ve been using) got completely unaffected and I just so happened to be using several benched units as storage anyway.

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That’s new…I’ll see if this is related to something I’ll give an update if i find something.

Wait… Care to tell me what you did before you noticed this?

I’ll do a run through myself and see if i can replicate this.
If i can I’ll send a report in to see what causes it and if it can be fixed.
If I’m not able to replicate it, then we can rule it out as a random bug chance.
If you haven’t already saved and moved on with the hack,
i would have tried retrying the previous chapter when this bug didn’t happen and see if it happens again.
If you already did then I’ll see what i can do.

All I did before I noticed it was play through chapter 17, where I’m pretty sure this didn’t happen. Unfortunately I don’t have a save from that chapter, only from 18 which I’m currently on. The only issue I noticed on 17 was map sprites bugging out because the OAM limit was hit, but I have my doubts that this would have any effect on the convoy.

Speaking of which, I recommend using the monster map sprites from this linked post, as they take up less OAM space and will make the issue of map sprites bugging out much likely to happen or possibly even erase it entirely. Maybe cut down on the class variety on that map a bit too, it really felt like you were trying to have every possible class show up and that really doesn’t play well with the OAM limitations.

Okay i imported the sprites from the link but as a safety measure i also
reduced the number of human classes so that there is only a hero and a berserker.

I’ll release a bug fix patch when i go through this to check for anymore glitches that have
slipped through the cracks.

Oh! I almost forgot, the mermaid class has weary fighter and dazzle is because
for some reason the animation for the class is a little bugged.

For some reason if the mermaid attacks and you try to counter or double (if you attack first)
Whenever the mermaid attacks in general and there is a retaliate the game soft locks.
Does anyone know why that is the case?
The two skills i gave to the class is a temp. fix.

If you find any problems, immediately press Shift + F10 to save the information.
Preserving the site is of utmost importance.
I think you’ve seen scenes in the drama and movies where police are cordoned off the murder scene and verifying it.
It’s the same.
If something happens, you should save it immediately.
If you tread on the ground without saving it, the clues will disappear.
When the cues disappear, we cannot catch the criminal.
Similarly, We can’t fix a bug without saving.

On most emulators, pressing Shift + F10 will save the data in save slot 10.
This data is the key to the survey.
If you do not save the data, it will disappear immediately.

You have trampled without saving the precious site.
There is no way you can do it, so please be careful from the next.

I recommend saving to save slot 10 because it is rarely used.
If you save to save slot 1 or 2, you may accidentally overwrite it.
Therefore, I recommend storing it in slot 10, which is rarely used.

If you experience any weirdness while playing the game,immediately press Shift + F10.
Then you send the saved data to the author.

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I do have a savestate from when I noticed the bug, but that isn’t particularly helpful because it’s after the bug happened, not before. I wouldn’t have been able to predict it happening in advance :slight_smile:

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Pushing through the tower now
For those who are in floor three remember :slight_smile:
Great bow gives 1 extra range on the archer equiping it, not having 4 rng itself
So if u went to 4 range with a guy, try to shoot with nidhogg (3 rng, but still executable)
U can glitch the game
(Absolute not some pro glitcher who managed to glitch in a lot hacks)

Wow curse skill is all good now

The thing I hate the 25 turn chap is that fliers have 10 aid, cant rescue frejia to 2 turn the boss

(Btw helix, try running a backgrounded fighting animation on ruins tile, u can see its broken)

I completely forgot about the ruins background.
I am so stupid.

And when will charlotte join???
Lockpick rip (only 1)
King axe effective on lyanna morph?
And 2 things I rly hate in this hack
1:rng shits making u cursed adept bolting fe6 eclipse skills that does insta kill
2.shiotage on units: (if player benched mishu then he will have no dark user) and no cleric/wyvern rider either

Charlotta joins you in the end game portion before final battle but comes with a weapon
only she can use.

King axe is effective against armor and cav. Lyanna morph is the great lord class both Algaurd
and Lyanna great lords count as armor units.

Blew up final boss

U serius? I killed 6 bosses in first turn
(No s rank tome was useful to me bruh, either unit bad (mage knights bad stats, lyanna lv17 promoted screwed, mina dont have s rank dark)

And 4 of bosses got durandal’D on their face
(Frejia truly MVP, highest hit against the boss (no supports) and doubles

(Newbies, plz make Alex a shaman if u want at least 2 usable dark magician)
(Wyvern rider ? The game will only gice a wyvern lord prepromote to u)

Endgame1 is a bad chap, just runesword check (lawrence shined)
The great something weapons from chests are not good either

Fe hack:the axe hour fin
(Oneil alguard lyanna alex byin too many axers)


Oof i think i know why that’s happening.

The curse or stone if you want to call it.
believe it or not that isn’t the actual stone weapon for some odd reason the original weapon
broke to the point where if you try and inspect the weapon in inventory it crashes the rom.
so i made my own and then there was the problem with it doing damage when it shouldn’t so i made it
so that it reduces the magic stat by 10 but it seems to be under flowing so i will release a fix patch in a few minutes so hang in there for a little.

There a fix patch for the curse weapon underflow is ready and waiting for download.
I removed the damage nerf due to underflow concerns.

The same link? I see its name is 20200508

The avatar creation is actually dope, and pegasus knight starting with critical force really made my day.
Also typo report;
in the chapter 1 line ‘a vision that fortold the destrution of the two great kingdoms’
‘destuction’ and ‘fortold’ are misspelled.
Also in same chapter ‘their probably the mercenaries’
‘their’ should have been ‘they’re’
In chapter 2 the line ‘Indeed i fear we are dealing with something more than a bandir’
‘i’ is not capitalised

Yeah I’m real fun at parties.