Fire Emblem: Illusory Dungeon | A Fire Emblem Rogue-Like [FE8]

Okay so I have been seeing a lot of messages about the “Pizza” message. So this was a joking debug message that I used in the very early days of the hack when trying to figure out how to count chapters. I’m looking into it now (along with some other glitches mentioned), but finals are starting to come up, so no promises on a speedy response. But for those that had this problem, could you DM me the specifics of what you did so I could try to figure it out better? Thank you.

Also, it seems as though a lot of people have just recently found that hack in the past few days, so I just wanna know where you guys heard about it from bc I’m curious.

Thanks for the feedback! This is a lot, but I’ll try to mention some of the things you pointed out.

Some of the flier rewards are meant to be unobtainable without a flier, because that more incentivizes picking a flier over other units. It’s harsh, but it’s what I was going for.

In a similar vein, the difficulty was a deliberate choice. Balancing-wise, I intended for this hack to be played iron man, and for the player to occasionally lose on the normal difficulty. As such, sometimes the hack just is unfair because you got unlucky. So you could try your luck again, or hop to an easier difficulty. Again, harsh, but it’s how I wanted to structure the hack.

Knights/Generals are balanced around their massive physical bulk being invaluable early game, and melting to unpromoted mages is the trade-off you get from being able to stifle almost all physical attacks while wielding every physical weapon type besides bows.

Split-promotions actually exist! Using a secret seal on certain units will actually promote them to a different class and greatly modify their stats. (Of course it’s broken right now, but will be fixed in the next patch :slight_smile: )

There is no way to guarantee that you don’t see duplicate maps, but this problem will be resolved at some point when I mess around with making maps more random and dynamic. And the “character names/portraits” things have been said many times before, but it is nearly impossible to implement this without having the same order of units every time. And design-wise, I tended to lean on the side of units being semi-disposable, which is why you get far more than you can deploy, and why earlier units are meant to get outshined by later-game variants. That way, you’re not getting attached to “My favorite unit Uno” who might be any class, but that specific clutch nomad who saved on that one run. (Also growth rates are invisible because they are all the same for each act)

Additionally, trainee units are an idea that I played with and cast off, but I might try to do something with them again since the idea is cool.


I got an Akira Sou suggested video after watching a bunch of other FE content of his and other youtubers. Saw that video, had to go and download the hack!

i think shaman/druid res is overtuned, monks deal no/trivial damage to them, making light magic as a whole really underwhelming, the early fenrir shamans are also busted and ohko most bosses early on at no risk
aside from those issues this hack is great and i really liked the finale to act 2 and 3

Shamans were deliberately overtuned during the early stages and I never really changed them back. Compared to the mages, I never found them able to be strong enough to be legitimate competitors, so they kept gaining magic and damage. The high res is also to let them act as basically magical armor knights, and to have a magical enemy type that you can’t blow through with a powerful mage. Additionally, Fenrir is so strong because I wanted shamans to be able to OHKO/deal one really big blow due to the rarity and low accuracy. And monks are more meant to be dangerously to other unit types due to their high crit. It’s just how I thought to balance around these units.

First of all gotta say love the idea and especially the execution of this hack.

gotta say I was a bit confused about how secret seals, until I saw that my pirate can use one, who turned into an eirika lord with cap HP and access to all weapon types (tho you need to save and reload after promoting). Most likely not intented but hilarious nontheless. And yes you can promote into a Great Lord which is wacky

Edit: she can also use Merriets personal weapons lol

if youd like to keep the theme of shamans being magic armor knights going, i think their hp should be lower, armor knights are weak to magic but can soften this with pure water, shamans are weak to physical damage but can soften this with nosferatu, nos with their better movement makes them better physical and magic tanks from my experience, lowering hp could make fighters and brigans go from a top off to a possible one shot for a nos-tank
on an unrelated note are some classes more rare than others? ive cleared once and got to act 3 twice and am yet to see a merc or wyvern

oh yes wyrmslayers are bugged and dont deal effective damage to manakete

Been having a LOT of fun with this! I’ve been doing Iron Man runs since that seems best for the roguelike feel, and I’m proud to say that after like a dozen runs I still haven’t beaten the Act 1 Finale (I’m too impatient and greedy for this game).

Notes from me on my experience so far:
Shamans seem much stronger than Mages and Monks. In a way, it’s cool that Mages have low HP, especially enemy Mages, making them satisfying to one-shot- but they don’t really get good offensive power to offset that, nor do they ever seem to double despite reasonable speed. Shamans, meanwhile, are really tanky (physical or magical) and deal tons of damage, and rarely get doubled despite low speed. It helps that they often come with Fenrir or Nosferatu, which are really awesome pickups for them. I haven’t used Monks yet, but their stats seem mediocre in comparison.

Ballistas on some maps are more annoying than interesting. The open plains map with a ballista on the bottom right is fun, because it guards a chest and you can choose to go around it if you desire- but on some maps, there’s no way past it and you just have to tank the shots until you can go through. Considering how weak your starting mage and healer are, you can’t just move through the ballista’s range without losing a unit (if not to the ballista bolt, then to the fact that your healer has to heal the damaged unit while under fire from other enemies). While in theory it punishes fliers, in practice, having a flier is necessary to rush down the ballista or go around it in many cases.

On 2 of my runs, when recruiting a unit, my lord informed me (twice each time) that the pizza was here. I wouldn’t mind, but the mission immediately ended and I didn’t get my recruited unit, completely killing my run. I don’t know why this happened, but I assume it’s a glitch.

On 1 of my runs, the finale happened extremely early (I want to say on the second or third map). Not sure if that’s intentional, but it also killed my run.

It would be nice of the units had a little more variety and personality- TBH, a cool idea might be to have a mode where the units you recruit are all characters from FE6/FE7/FE8, with their growths/bases/classes adjusted appropriately, so that you can grab all your favorite units from the series. Either way, giving them different names and portraits- or even just variations in their stats- would be great, since as far as I can tell the only thing that differentiates one recruitable of the same class from another is the items they are holding (and weapon rank I think). It’s the same principle behind giving Pokemon names in a nuzlocke- attachment makes the run feel more special (and more to the point might make me less blasé about losing a run).

So far, I haven’t encountered a single slaying weapon (no Halberds, Armorslayers, Wyrmslayers, ect.). Not sure if that’s intentional- I have seen good weapons like Fenrir, killer weapons, and short spears, at least. It’s a shame, as weapons like that could really add to the strategy on some maps.

I really like the main lord also being a thief with extra movement. It makes her feel important on every map, but for different reasons each time. The fact that she’s a named character that is central to the run, with good stats and (seemingly) good growths, does make me want to feed kills to her though, since recruitable units have (seemingly) poor growths and are inherently replaceable. While not a bad thing, this also means that I end up giving her all my stat boosters, since they feel wasted on, say, a mage that I might drop for someone else later (if he doesn’t just get one-shot by a ballista). TBH, less stat boosters and more unique weapons like armorslayers in the early chapters would be appreciated.

Some stuff I really like:

  • Despite being pretty generic, the different recruitable classes all feel pretty balanced with one another (with the exception of the magic users) while still feeling unique to one another.
  • The fact that many units that drop items have high crit but are generally still possible to kill quickly is a nice feature, as it encourages risk vs. reward and still leaves them room to be cheesed by the right units (like a knight for example :D)
  • The map design encourages aggressive and fast play, which is fantastic, and I like that the units have a variety of AI patterns. In particular, the groups of enemies attacking in small squads when aggro’d makes it hard to bait them out one at a time, which I appreciate, as it makes the game harder to take slow.

Great hack in general! My opinions are probably skewed due to me only playing Act 1 like 10 times for the record, so take them with that in mind, I guess. I’ll keep playing and post again if I notice anything substantial. :+1:

EDIT: After playing some more and reaching Act 2, I found a few more slayer weapons. Also, my new Monk is pretty good, and my Shaman is not as powerful now that higher Speed is common, though I still think Mage’s pathetic Health really brings them down in comparison.
Also, I encountered the same bug another poster did, where my Knight transformed into a Cav after recruitment (but got S-Rank swords upon promotion). Honestly, it was really cool having essentially a mounted Knight.
I also have yet to find a use for a Secret Crest- I assume I’ll find a class eventually that can use it, but so far, nothing.
EDIT 2: I got two dancers, by the way, which allows me to dance them both to max level in 1 turn and move them across the map by daisy-chaining dances (is this the Dance Dance Revolution i’ve heard so much about?). This means you not only get 2 dancers (amazing by itself) but you can transport your two dancers across the map if you’re patient enough, eliminating the problem of dancers lagging behind and allowing you to potentially grab objectives, especially if your max-level dancers can dodge-tank a little. This isn’t a problem, per se, but it’s really strong and rather tedious, so it might be beneficial to add in some kind of countermeasure?

Having played 7-8 times (only got to part 2 twice rn,) I’ve been having lots of fun with this! Streaming on YT (Unhinged Manchild) My thoughts so far:

Hella fun. I really enjoy the “pick your unit” parts and all the gear and shit that shows up there. The maps are well done, most maps feel fair (except that one map where by like turn 10 there’s 3 cavs w light brands and javelins spawning every other turn, holy fuck.)

Classes feel pretty unique, and fighting enemy monks feels terrifying when light has so much crit, lol. Onto the standout unit thoughts:

Mage is total bait. In 3 runs he seems to only level luck and speed. Feels like his hp, mag, def, and res are all like 15%, not worth using. Not only that, but he gets ohko’d by almost everything - soldier with javelin (granted, for some fucking reason I was sent to the act 1 finale after only 1 map on that run, but it made me realize how bad mage is,) ballistas, hand axes, even shamans! 13 hp 1 def is atrocious, strongly suggest +4 base HP if not also +1 base def and res.

Fighter, on the other hand, absolutely fucking carries. He’s good out the gate and has grown well in all my runs. Continues to be key after promo, too, bows access. He feels so much better than pirate (I’ve tried using pirate when I got him after tutorial, he was not nearly as good as fighter. Pirate needs more base str and/or str growth.) Speaking of +4 hp for mage, IMO subtract 4 base HP and maybe even take 1 str away from fighter. He’s way too good.

Armor knight I’ve tried using twice, felt like trash both times. At lv ~15 His def was marginally better vs my lv 13 fighter (13 vs 9,) but armor had far less HP, str, and speed than the fighter had. Idk what the point of armor is, honestly. Challenge/handicap run ig? I even promoted my armor to general and he still died while my fighter continued to be great. Armor needs better HP, str, and def growth/bases.

Nomad has been bad in 2 runs I’ve tried. I had a lv 14 nomad get 2rko’d by lv 8 enemies because his hp was like 20 (his max) and his def was 3. This dude only levels luck and res, like he’s a fuckin priest or something, idk what happened here, but utility wise he’s still decent for random fights, just terrible at long term growth.

Speaking of priests, the starter priest has been hilariously bulky for me, often can survive 2 rounds of combat against anything that doesn’t double him (myrm/peg.) And his growths are off the rails good, why the hell does his speed and def growths both feel like they are ~45%?!? Was this guy’s growths swapped with nomad?

Shaman feels far and away the strongest mag-based generalist. Although I think this mod gimps all the mag users way too much, still this guy can go ham with just a bit of feeding and then shitton of Nosferatu books.

Cav feels quite usable, if slightly odd because my own cavs seem to have better res than def, as do the enemy cavs! I promoted to paladin and got +1 def and +3 res? Yay 11 def and 17 res I guess?

Anyway, I may sound angry or something, but I’m not. I enjoy this mod, and still going through my livestream run at the time of this post.

TLDR Mages and armors feel severely undertuned, while fighters and shamans feel overtuned. Great work, it’s fun!

I watched some of your streams. Good stuff.

I will say, cavaliers have balanced def/res, but Paladins get a res bonus. Also, the growths for all units besides Merriette are the same for each act, with act I units having higher growths. Shamans may be a bit strong tho, I admit. But through a lot of the testing, the early mage tended to be far too dominating, so I kept reducing his stats to where he can take 1 hit max on normal mode. The recruitable mages later on are far more powerful tho.

I did also see you were struggling with the secret seal. It’s usable on most units, it’s just bugged right now and I should have it fixed in the next patch in a couple days. Also I should’ve made it more clear, but Rogue gets another skill besides lock pick ;). Oh, and the 20 turn limit doesn’t exist on boss maps. Instead, you get swarmed with endless powerful units. It’s more lenient, but more punishing as well.

But I’m glad to see you’re having a lot of fun with the hack, glitches and all.

:pray: as an avid monster fan, any chance we can get a monster class dlc?

Cool, thanks for watching and for the extra tips! Frankly, even if I manage to win this current run, I might do a third run and stream it, try more new stuff in that one and see what I may have missed.

But damn, I had just picked assassin as my promo, and soon after found out I can’t steal anymore, too. If you gave rogue a special extra ability then I’m severely regretting my choice as I head into act 2 finale… I also missed out on 7500 gold in “stealable only” gems (they weren’t shiny green text that dropped on death…)

Are unit growths listed somewhere/easy to find (or, are you willing to provide the list?) I have this OCD thing where I need to see how much rngsus has decided to bone me.

I got the pizza message after picking a Pirate with Iron Axe (I think, maybe it was steel) and Brave Axe (around Map 4ish on Hard) and when I went to the next chapter, the Pirate nor his Inventory was in my party.
Also in the next map, the Rivers map with tons of Snags and an Armory & Vendor shops, my Myrmidon was suddenly required to bring just like Meriette & I could not change his position, and I was capped to 7 units despite there being an empty 8th deployment slot available where I could move a unit to using “Formation”. Not sure if that is related to the bug.
It happened again during the next Unit Reward as well, and using savestates I determined this was consistent regardless of which unit I chose, meaning the run would now be down 2 units & equipment. Same thing on the next map too, I was capped to 7 units but there was an “extra” 8th Formation slot so I assume the map was intended to have 8 slots. This time no second unit was “required” though.
Big bummer as the run was otherwise going phenomenally. My Fighter was a god, he got something like 3 or 4 levelups with Str+Spd+Df, good levels otherwise, and I could even give him a Dragonshield.
So yea, this bug makes the game unfortunately unplayable if encountered. During my first Normal run I didn’t encounter it at all, it only happened during my second run on Hard so far.

Also, after I beat the [final boss spoiler-free], the encouter just looped and I had to fight him again (on Normal) - is this temporarily intentional?


Just another quick one. Still absolutely in love with the hack. Into my first act 3 run and got onto this map. The Vendor and Armory didn’t show up when I had units hover over it. Like I could stand on them and the cursor would say it was a Vendor or an Armory but I couldn’t interact with it.

Just letting you know!


Another bug for the patch- this Wyvern Lord I recruited Act 3 Chapter 1 has 6 Aid. Good to hear that the Secret Seals are bugged and it’s not just me recruiting the wrong units, I’ll just flog it for some extra gold for now :smiley:

That’s actually not a glitch. They just have low aid because their con is massive.

Ye some of the units have randomized cons/aids. In my YT run, I have 2 dancers. One has like 3 con, while the other has like 8. I was laughing so hard at how beefy the one dancer is. Eating too many cookies ig.

Mounted units’ aid is typically either 20 or 25 (I think you bump to 25 after promo) but minus their own con, this is a vanilla sacred stones mechanic, I guess to simulate how much extra weight the mount can carry? I have a troubador that has 5 con, and she has 15 aid (20-5=15.) This is also the case for your wyvern. 14 con, so he only has 6 aid (20-14=6.) Afaik all infantry units always have aid that is equal to (con-1.)

Had some serious game breaking bugs. I got slapped with the “Ayyo, Pizza is here.” I’d load into the next level with no added unit, and it consistently was the boss level. Facing the boss level with level 1 units didn’t feel too hot.

as an aside, it happened 3 separate times from a fresh start. I’d complete the tutorial, choose a unit, get the ayyo pizza is here, and it’d load the boss level immediately after the tutorial. I had one file already on a boss floor. Might have something to do with that?