FEXNA Leak Discussion Thread

Oh, yes, FEXNA. I kinda forgot this thing even existed. So, is there any chance of it realising in my lifetime?


Well, if you count the leak as a release, there’s a 100% chance.

also, I like how we’ve gotten to 22 posts and barely any are actually discussing FEXNA as a tool instead of just the circumstances around it and the leak


I honestly wonder how many even have the tool/engine to begin with. It almost feels like it never leaked at all to me because I cannot find it in the internet and nobody really talks about it aside from the very basics. Maybe it just needs some time tho.

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Honestly I think when it does release it will be a good experience. I know standard GBA has evolved a lot but it does not hurt to have alternatives if that is what people would like to do. Seeing the development of ones tool is a great thing to see.

Yeah, standard GBA is very advanced right now, but it still has many limits set by the ROM format and TBH very antiquited coding (FE8 came out in 2004). I would love to make a FE game that is completely unbound. But I’ll wait for Yeti’s full release. :slight_smile:

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just going to casually remind people that SRPG Studio is on sale rn if you can’t wait for XNA or LT to be complete


Heck inserting sprites for units and spells alone is probably league’s easier with a program instead of being limited by the rom

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As an LT user, I can assure you that inserting map and battle anims is a pain in the ass at the moment, but you can do a fair bit of shenanigans with it once you get familiar with it. You run it through a converter then you have to rename a bunch of files.

Eventually you’ll end up with something like this where every animation has an image, an index, and a script:

  • Class ID
  • Gender (0-4 Male, 5-9 Female)
  • Weapon
  • Faction or Unique Unit Name

You can do a boatload more, but as you can see the above only accounts for the Lance, Ranged Lance, and Unarmed animations for Generic Blue/Red units and the unique unit, Josh (my lazy ass has yet to change palettes).

The only thing I’ve had any experience with between both engines is music (doot, doot). Both use the .ogg format, so what you hear is what you get. As for looping, a member of LTcord (Artorius Strange
#7984) made an engine hack that makes the track loop cleanly, so all it comes down to is how well you can truncate the song. As for FEXNA… something something metadata (because I never actually had to do this part, Skitty or Rubber used to do it).


Is SRPG Studio any good? Seeing it on sale for $15 makes me curious to try, but if it’s missing features or something like that I don’t wanna waste money on it.

The fact SRPG Studio is all about emulating the SNES FE experience is already enough to make it worth your time. Since it’s on sale, imma buy it right now to support the devs!


Whelp I guess I’m on board then if it was made specifically for FE, I assumed it was like RPG Maker where it’s trying to be a little of everything and feels sluggish as a result.

SRPG is pretty specifically old FE
Which also includes fun stuff like having a global mastery stat instead of weapon levels
Basically you need to hunt down a lot of user created content to get basic features


It depends on what you want to do with it, but really anything is possible with scripting so I’d say go for it. I bought it at full price and I don’t regret it.


Tactitillating experiences await.


Makes sense, this is actually something I’d been wondering if/when it would happen

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So now we just need a community of artists to rally together and create a cool, totally legal default assets package…

Where would we find one of those, I wonder?


Personally I hack fegba over trying out various engines because I want it playable on mobile

I would absolutely be interested in trying srpg focused game engines if the built game could be for android.

Games are better when they are playable while lying in bed :relieved:


Isn’t FEXNA stuff playable on mobile?

On another note, playing FEGBA on GBA, that’s where it’s really at.


Having slick actually responsive touchscreen controls on a good FE Game?

Now I know I’m dreaming.