FEE3 2022 Submissions Thread

Hey! I have a question:
Do projects have to be completed to be submitted? Or is something like a 5 chapter long demo eligable? I understand that it has to be free of bugs, playtested, and all that.


A five-chapter demo is perfectly acceptable.


I understand that it has to be free of bugs, playtested, and all that.

Well there’s technically nothing stopping you from submitting a video of your project bugging out in hilarious ways


I’ve definetly have gotten some pretty amusing glitches. Though, I haven’t recorded them before fixing them


Darrman is correct, there’s no sort of restriction on completeness or bugs or testing for a project to be submitted to FEE3. All the necessary requirements should be listed in the OP.

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Just wanted to inform people that there is 1 month left to submit participation! This isn’t the final video submission, but if you do not submit a response to the current form, any video submission you make will not be accepted.


Building on this, it’s important we have the submitted form indicating your intent to participate so we can slot you into the schedule and ensure we have enough support on the back-end.

Thanks again, excited to see more submissions come through.


There’s about 15 days left to submit participation, make sure to get on that if you are thinking of submitting a video to the event! Looking forward to all the submissions and good luck to everyone!


Hi all, just another reminder that there’s 5 days to submit intent to participate, so make sure you get that in on time!


Hey all - remember tomorrow is the last day to submit your intent to participate in FEE3. Please be sure to get your intent to submit soon. Relic will be posting the new form for video submission shortly thereafter.

Remember to head over to the help thread here or the help channel on discord to make arrangements for recording if you need help.

Thanks all - lots of exciting entries so far.


Good luck everyone!!

Imagine if FEE3 eventually becomes popular like SAGE now is!


This is the last day to get your intent to participate in, so get on that if you haven’t already!

I’ve also opened up the project showcase submission form for those who may be interested in that, excited to see what comes in. The link is in the OP.


Hey all - friendly reminder that video submissions are now open.

Use this link to submit your video once it is ready.

Please use the help thread if you need support recording. Thanks.


The excitement is real!!! Looking forward to another great FEE3!!


Just as a reminder, videos are due in 13 days! If you have any questions about anything, please let me know ASAP. I just wanted to remind everyone that the maximum length is 1 hour, and that if you are recording an LP, you want to check the filesize and make sure it’s not too large.

Be sure to get your entries in on time, really excited for all the event this year.


Videos are due in one week.

Please get your videos ready ASAP so we can build and share the upload schedule. Thanks.


Hey, I wanted to announce that the deadline has been extended to August 22nd. Let me know if you all have any questions.

Apologies for the last minute announcement as I was completely blindsided by something on the 12th.

If anyone wants to resubmit a video, please send the link to me via FEU PM, thanks.


Due to procrastination, but possibly also mental health issues circumstances TOTALLY beyond my control guys, frfr, I don’t have any substantive changes made on DSA yet. I’m currently in the middle of some design doc.

I do intend to have a video ready for the 22nd, even if it’s just a 16:9 rework of the previous one with some updated info. I also realized I never got around to setting up a Discord server, so I’m going to see about that now and it should be usable sometime tonight. (There’s also a bit of work I want to do on my FE-specific Youtube account.)


Hey all, just wanted to put up a reminder that there are about 3 days left to submit! There will not be any more extensions so make sure you’re ready and your entry is in on time.

As always please DM me if you have any questions or concerns.


It’s the last day for submissions! Be sure to get your entry in on time.