[FE8U] Stan's ASM Stuff

Yo, always happy to see someone mess with this hack!

For the turn order display I guess I can move it to the other side of the screen when these menus are up. I this is very doable (one would just need to do it).

The R thing is a bit jank in general I agree. I wanted to have a way for the player to easily see which unit is of which color and this is the simplest/least invasive solution I came up with. The “problem” here is that there aren’t that many buttons on the GBA to check for. I guess I could also use Select but then it would conflict with danger zone which is a popular QoL hack (or was at the time?).

The way BWS presents this is instead of graying units out, it puts a little “E” (for End, I assume) marker on top of the unit sprite (kinda like Hp bars) meaning that both the color and the fact that a unit’s turn has ended is always visible. This could be implemented, but it would be more invasive technically, and would also conflict with a popular QoL hack (HpBars and its variants) and would probably require re-implementing it at the same time.

Those features you are describing (esp. the R button thing) were admittedly implemented hastily because at the time I was getting bored with working on the hack and just wanted to get it done '=)

If you (or anybody else reading this, you matter too!) have suggestions regarding how to improve the way this information is presented I would like to hear it; in case I revisit this hack or concept in the future.

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I planned on doing something like this 2 years ago (gosh time flies) as a quick patch up when I last played around with it. Came at the cost of reskinning the boss icon though, so I scrapped the entire idea.

Fortunately this exists now. I’ll test it out later, but it seems like a perfect fit (hopefully the blinking icons aren’t too distracting in practice.)



I’ve taken the time to publish a pre-built version of all FE-CHAX wizardry (so that you don’t have to figure out by yourself how to build them). None of it is new, I haven’t had the time, energy and/or motivation to make much lately.

FE-CHAX was meant to be the repository hosting all of my C-based FE8-US wizardry (“C HAX”). It does host a number of them (most of the “generic” ones), including some that I don’t think were really advertised before.

A lot of these have already been released or have even been improved upon elsewhere (such as in the skill system or as a feb patch).

Here are the contents:

  • “Fixes”
    • DecompressFix (this doesn’t fix anything just changes which function is called sometimes)
    • MiscFixes/CounterFix (this makes COUNTER_SET be able to load from s2)
    • MiscFixes/LeadAiFix
    • MiscFixes/MNC2FixTest (this exists in feb as an essential fix I think)
  • Modularized systems (those exist purely as glue enabling other hacks to work together)
    • AiPerformExtension
    • CBattleCalc
    • CIconDisplay
    • CPopupRework
    • CUnitAction
    • BriefBwl (this saves 11 bytes in Bwl for whatever use you’d want. Conflicts with skill system)
    • ExpandedModularSave (this is the original. The one in skill system features extra goodies you may prefer to have)
    • PerChapterBattleQuotes
    • TradeCheck (used by Mimic)
    • VeryCustomItems
  • Utility frameworks/“Libraries” (provide functions other hacks or events can use)
    • CFreeSelect
    • FerryAi
    • M7 (mode 7 stuff)
    • MapAuraFx (used in skill system for rally anims)
    • Misc/SetMoveBonus (asmc)
    • TalkAi
    • TileChangeTrap (the very first CHax)
    • Utility/CanUnitBeOnPosition
    • Utility/ShopLike
  • Gameplay features
    • Autolevels/FixedAutolevels
    • Autolevels/NoBonusLevels
    • AverageLevelEnemies
    • CLolStats (see LolStats early in the thread)
    • CRewarp (broken, do not use)
    • DanceAi
    • DeathDropFix
    • DoubleDouble
    • EvilRN
    • IncorrectBlitzInput
    • LazberianBattleFlow
    • LazberianMercenaries
    • LazberianTurnFlow
    • LazberianWeaponry
    • Mimic (kinda broken as well)
    • Misc/FcukTanks
    • FixDifficulty
    • StatScreenBlink
    • VeninSleepWeapons
  • Other misc small hacks
    • CustomGameSpeed
    • Dumb/RemoveSupports (removes the support mechanic, saves 6 bytes in unit struct)
    • Dumb/NoBattleAnimations
    • TextScrollSpeed
  • DecideMonitor (this is a terrible debug thing I used to debug performance once)

I might write some more in depth descriptions and instructions for all of this in the future (I wouldn’t count on it). For now try to make sense off the comments in the installer event sources.