[FE8U] Aura Wolf's ASM or something

Supply View



Description (from main file)

Supply View
This assembly makes it so units can always freely look into the Convoy without being locked into their current position/into acting now. This is done by replacing the “Take” supply command with a new “View” supply command if the current unit has a full inventory.

Set Name Fixes



Description (from main file)

Set Name Fixes
[SetName] is a command for cgs generally used to indicate a speaker, but it has a few limitations. The length of the name must be an even number, and [SetName] only takes effect at the very beginning of the text. You can already work around these two issues by using [.] and multiple text ids, respectively, but this assembly’s modifications edits the textcode itself to solve those problems.

Optional Modifications
SET_NAME_ODD: This fixes problems with attempting to set a name that has an odd-numbered character length.

SET_NAME_MULTIPLE: This makes [SetName] replace the most recent name set by [SetName]. There is a pause variable that you can modify below. If you want a different pause for different situations, you will have to do that on your own (I would set the variable below to 0 and then either use whatever textcodes deal with pausing or use [LoadOverworldFaces] and then add whatever STAL feels right)

Note: When using [SetName] multiple times, use textcode [0x2] or [2NL] before all but the first one. This will make the next speaker’s dialogue begin from where you’d expect it to, rather than picking up from the previous speaker. I recommend making a new definition in ParseDefinitions.txt for this purpose, such as the one below.

[SetNewName] = [0x2][0x80][0x23]